This is my 332nd post. I think I'll celebrate by having a contest. I was going to wait until post 333, but that's half of
the evil number, so I figured now might be better. I feel like celebrating something, anything, because frankly this sucky economy hasn't been very celebratory lately.
But yay! for little accomplishments. I spruced up
my web site this week - updated links, marked sold items, uploaded photos of friends and customers sporting kokoleo, and added some happy customer feedback. I also fixed these ugly icons:

Which have been bugging me for years. They don't even match! I just pulled them off some stock art site years ago and kept using them. After searching for way too long for some new ones, I finally broke down and spent all of 10 minutes in Photoshop making my own:

Much better. Lesson learned: Always make your own dang icons.
My biggest accomplishment, though was revamping and restocking the
Toddler Sundress shop.

And now for the contest part -- go check it out, then come back to this post and let me know which dress is your favorite. I'm conducting a little market research to find out what fabrics people like best. Next Friday, noonish, I'll draw a name from all the entries and announce the winner.
What's the prize, you ask? One
custom-made personalized patchwork banner (up to 10 letters). You can redeem this for yourself, your kid, your friend's kid, your grandkid, your goldfish, your monkey, or whoever else you love. You'll have a year to redeem it too so if you don't have a child to give it to, that'll give you time to make one.
So, which dress do you like best? Let me know and you just might win some kokoleo.