Now, before you think I must be the biggest Star Wars fangirl ever for undertaking such a complex project, I have to admit that before last month I had never even heard of an Acklay. A woman who had seen some of my other custom plush creatures that I had made from kids' drawings wrote to me to ask if I would make an Acklay for her son, a Star Wars fan who for years has been asking for a stuffed Acklay. She had looked for one but unfortunately they don't exist. Normally I don't accept requests to recreate licensed characters (I get these requests often) but this time I made an exception and accepted the challenge.
I started by Googling images of Acklays and based my plush on these pictures:
And referred to them often as I pieced together the creature. Here are the arms:
It's the only picture I took in while I was making it.
The Star Wars Wiki, WOOKIEPEDIA, describes and Acklay as "a three-eyed amphibious non-sentient crustacean native to Vendaxa. Though acklays lived underwater, they could go on land to hunt, which they frequently did, as the lemnai, a creature that lived on the plains of Vendaxa, was their main source of food...
As they resided in the oceans of
Vendaxa, their eyes
enabled them to see in darkness, although they were near-sighted...
Despite their crustacean-like nature, acklays also had characteristics possessed by reptiles, such as their powerful jaws filled with sharp teeth...
The acklay had a tough, leathery skin that ranged in color from green to brown, another trait from its reptilian heritage...
Its belly was more vulnerable than other parts of its body, as the flesh covering it was not as tough as it was elsewhere...
Acklays had a bony crest around their neck, used for both intimidation and protection."
They did not, however, have kokoleo labels on the backs of their necks, but this one does.
Now go, weird creature, to the boy who wants you. May the force be with you.