Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Egg + Big fluffy orange pom pom =

D.J. Lance Rock from Yo Gabba Gabba!

I happened to have some orange and yellow and white and black craft foam too, so it just sort of evolved from there to this:

I think I'm going to put it in McKenna's Easter basket to surprise her. She'll probably want to carry it around like a baby doll. I hope not - it's fragile! She might break it down. For her first birthday we got her a Yo Gabba Gabba! guitar that's now a fixture in our house. A noisy fixture, but not in an annoying way like most noisy toys. Whenever she hears it play, she bobs her head and wiggles her hips in a Pavlovian boogie-down response.

I hope if Lance ever sees this he won't think of me as that weird lady who keeps making effigies of him. Last July I made this pillow that sits on the chair in my studio. They only sell the costumed characters from the show, so if you want a DJ Lance doll you have to make it yourself. You can even make one from an egg.

More decorated Easter eggs to come. . . I bought 3 dozen today! Plus the ingredients to make a bunny cake.

edited to add. . . Yay! This egg won the Gabbafriends Easter contest! Check it out!