Friday, September 05, 2008

Talkin' Politics

Okay, I know it's frowned upon (by some) to talk politics in public, but I can't help it. Too much is at stake in this election. For the past two weeks I've been closely watching in both conventions. I've listened to almost every speech. I've cheered and cried and argued with the television. I've been uplifted and inspired, then saddened and angered. . . confident, confused, hopeful, hopeless, ashamed, proud, and simply amazed at it all. I am on the edge of my seat for CHANGE.

What about you?

The first person to leave a comment gets an Obama sticker.


  1. OBAMA 08!

    (but you already gave me a sticker, so give it to the next person if I'm first.)

  2. Ha! That's funny that you're the first to leave a comment and you don't even need the prize. I've given this sticker to a few people (this is my last one) so they can't win it either, but please, feel free to comment anyway. Same goes for those who support McCain.

  3. Absolutely! I am so excited about the fact that, no matter what happens, we'll be seeing the door hitting Bush in the ass on his way out. Extra super bonus points if it's Michelle Obama ordering the White House carpets to be steam cleaned to get the Republican funk outta them.

    Oh, and save the sticker. As a pinko commie Canadian, I'll be voting in my own election against conservative evil! Oct 14 can't come soon enough!

  4. I want the sticker!!! All I have right now on my car are anti-bush stickers--including "Jail Bush". I am so excited for 1/20/09!!!! Go Obama, Go!!!!!!!!!!

    BTW, did you read the awesome editorial in the LA Times by Gloria Steinem on freakshow Pailin? it's here if you haven't:,0,1290251.story

  5. Rebecca gets it!

  6. I cannot stand to even speak HER name. How in the world can someone claim to be anti-choice and also a feminist? Huh?!

    All I have to say is that she and her daughter each made a CHOICE. Thank goodness we still have that option.

  7. Palin has become a major distraction in this election. Everyone is talking about her babies, her baby's baby, her glasses, her love of killing animals, her love of oil, etc. etc. and NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THE ISSUES ANYMORE! I guess this is what the GOP wanted. Still, I want McCain/Palin to stop rehashing their RNC soundbites and tell me what exactly they plan do do about healthcare, education, the economy, social security, etc. All they talk about is "Drill Baby Drill" and "reforming Washington" and how they want to stay in Iraq until we "win."

  8. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I'm a Canadian too- so yay to voting against any kind of conservatism in Canada or the US.

    I firmly believe that our American cousins have a lot to say in Canada's future - we're Really influenced by your economy and government so.... thank you for voting for open minded candidates and thank you for voting, period...

  9. We had a similar kit, and I found the process hard to photograph. Even the butterflies had to be urged to open their wings and look pretty for the camera.
