Sunday, September 14, 2008

Some recent thrifty acquistions. . .

I haven't done a Thrift Thursday in a while. It's not Thursday, but whatever. How about I do a Secondhand Sunday?

I haven't been scouring as many yard sales lately because: A. I don't want to waste precious gas driving around, and B. I'm trying to make do with what I have. Occasionally though I run across and ad on Cragislist that I can't pass up. Like this one:

Sat.,9/13- 9 AM - 2 PM Motion Picture Costume Co. 3811 Valhalla Dr., Burbank, 91505 Household, crafts, books, fabric, jewelry, clothing, and much more We’re underemployed because of the production slow down so we are selling our “treasures”. Come Shop and find something special for yourself or a gift! You never know what you will find…. ALL BUYERS WELCOME! Proceeds from table sales and donated items benefit the MPC 705 Welfare Fund. Proceeds from merchant sales benefit the individual member.

Which was approximately 3 minutes from my house. Here's what I got:

It's a little clutch made from felt balls. Years ago at a Felt Club show I got a felting kit and learned how to make these balls (see blog post here), so I know how much work went into this. $5 was a steal.

Next I got these:

Two new Anne Taylor tops that are just begging me to embellish them with some kokoleo anchors. $4.


A bag of great big vintage buttons, perfect for sundress straps and purse closures. $7.

I was excited to find these wire necklaces:

because I had just used my last one for my eyeglass jewelry and was wondering where I could get more. Wonder and ye shall stumble upon, that's what I've come to find. The lady gave me a deal because she was happy to see someone want to put them to use. I got 12 for $15.

Then I got these for $1:

Which I'll use on kokoleo necktie headbands and to make some baby barettes. I already made a few for McKenna. Here's one:

Awwww, so cute! It actually even stays in her hair for a few minutes.

Next, I got this pin for myself:

I love leaves dipped in gold, especially when they're just $1. Hmmm, I wonder what kind of leaf this is? It sure is pretty.

Lastly I got this pin for someone in my family:

The lady gave it to me for $2 and was happy to know it was going to someone with those initials. I'm not saying who that person is though because I want it to be a surprise when she finds it in her stocking this Christmas.


  1. I think it's a maple leaf. It's not a leaf with seven points (which, I was taught in criminal justice class, distinguishes an illegal substance).

    I have garage sale envy every-other-time I hit your blog.

  2. If you look closely, there's an extra little leaf near the stem. Maybe the one on the other side broke off? It may just be one of those illegal leaves after all. Eek, I hope I don't get arrested for wearing it! Maple leaves are cool too though, but I think their middles are more fused (if the Canadian flag is accurate). They remind me of the most awesome bar in New Orleans, the Maple Leaf, where I've had a few fun nights.

  3. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Let's see...MAP could be Metro Area Police, or (my favorite) Mothers Against Pets. Yes, I could wear that one. I sure hope I find it in my stocking this christmas. And the Leaf. Of course, it is a Buckeye Leaf cluster without the nuts! But I would not wear it in the Los Angles area after OSU's poor showing in the football game on Saturday. Does resemble that illegal leaf, doesn't it?
    Love, Mom, MAPrice

  4. Maybe the MAP is for Motion Picture Association? since that's where I got it. Regardless, I think MAggie Prosser is going to love it!

  5. Oh no, it's totally NORML to want to wear such leaves. And the more I look at it, the more I agree.

  6. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Nice finds!! I'm guessing the leak is a japanese maple.

  7. Ah yes, Laine, I think you're right. Darn.

  8. We had a similar kit, and I found the process hard to photograph. Even the butterflies had to be urged to open their wings and look pretty for the camera.
