Monday, September 22, 2008

Annette, McKenna, and Bella Bean

On Thursday my friend Annette came over. Annette owned the Dragonfly, a vintage clothing store where I worked when I was in college. It was the coolest shop in Shepherdstown and she let me dress the window and decorate the walls and sit around and sew or study if I had to. I loved that job.

I had hoped to take her to all my favorite thrift shops while she was here and I envisioned us both getting the best stuff ever!, but we only went to a couple shops and didn't find a thing. Oh well, we'll find perfect things another time and send them to each other.

This is her husband Kevin. He's a nice guy. They've raised 4 boys who are now off to college, jobs, Iraq, etc. They were on a cross-country vacation to the west coast and back, visiting friends and family on the way. I'm glad I made the list.

He doesn't really have horns and she isn't really wearing a pirate hat, that's just the painting. Speaking of horns. . .

McKenna was getting ready for battle that day.

Here she is modeling a sundress I made:

It's reversible. Here's the other side:

I also made her this one:

but only got a couple decent pictures of it. That one, where she's looking tired and confused, and this one:

featuring Bella's beautiful rectum.

I'll leave you with her better side.


  1. Anonymous2:22 AM

    hi-- you have made me famous in blogland again. it was great seeing you and the cutest, smartest baby ever. you are such an crafty inspiration, i am going to make something soon...after i cleanup 2 weeks of slime left by 2-3 boys alone in the house.

  2. That cat butt has me rolling. Our pup likes to stretch with his head down and his butt and tail up. We are always telling him "Put that thing away!"
    Those sundresses are darling.

  3. Anonymous8:09 AM

    oh my god, you have me laughing with that cat shot!!!! i am enjoying all the political stuff, after the fact. funny how embroiled we all were, just plain desperate!!! what a relief we got obama in, i am feeling a bit lost without all the politics to talk about and get revved up about, i am sure you feel the same. relieved but sorta lost too. i have already signed up to get debbie cook to run again against rohrbacher (these are locals in my area) i got on her bandwagon too late, so i am ready to spend the next few years hammering out on her campaign, politics are addicting! oh in case you are wondering who i am, leaving all these comments, i am the one who visited you at the patchwork fair and told you i met you at the bizarre bazaar (sp??) and bought some magnets and the raggedy ann bean bag...thats me!


  4. We had a similar kit, and I found the process hard to photograph. Even the butterflies had to be urged to open their wings and look pretty for the camera.
