Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thrift Thursday - Beat that!

Call me a desperate housewife, but I love watching my total go down on the grocery store cash register. I always wait to swipe my card at the end so I can see the numbers roll down all at once. It's like a Vegas slot machine without the bells and lights. Also, I'm one of those annoying shoppers in line ahead of you who insists on handing over a stack of coupons just to prolong your impatient agony. Sorry! Our grocery store doubles them too. WooHoo!


  1. You're in the wine club??

    I'm not judgin'. . . .

  2. I have used the Vegas analogy when I shop too. I even MAKE my kids watch the numbers change while I hop and clap like those old ladies in front of the slots.
    I'll be surprised if my kids turn out normal.
    Good to know I'm not alone.

  3. t_f - Yeah, I don't even really know what being in the wine club entails, but the grocery store put me in it for some reason.

    sugarcreek - I do that too. I have impressed many a grocery clerk and others in line with my savings. When I was a kid, my mom and I would try to guess the total and see who came closest. I usually come within a few dollars.
