Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Walk with me Wednesday

I don't know about Retro Wednesdays anymore. I don't think anyone likes them. I find them pretty damn funny, obviously, because I acquire these weird books and display them on my shelves and occasionally flip through them and make fun of them in my head, but maybe that's where they should stay. It's a lot of work photographing and uploading all those pictures and sometimes in the midst of it I wonder, Why are you doing this, KB? You should just quit now and find something more productive to amuse yourself. NO ONE CARES about your stupid little ramblings. They hate your sewing projects too. AND your obnoxious adorable children. In fact, everyone in cyberspace got together in a chat room and decided that YOU ARE A BIG LOSER and your blog sucks and your "business" is a joke and you should just DELETE everything you've ever done and GIVE UP.

But then I stop and tell myself, SELF! Shut up. Stop being so mean to me. I rock. You rock. We rock. Now, let's step away from the computer and go for walk.


  1. Oh, you are too funny! Stop being mean to yourself RIGHT NOW!

  2. I like Retro Wednesdays! You know, if you're taking votes and all. =)

  3. Your ramblings are funny and sometimes its best to release the things in your head.
    My best friend (a watercolor artist) and sister (writer) and I were discussing how we put so much of ourselves into our work, send it out into the world hoping it is well received but knowing deep down the only reason people say they like it is because they feel sorry for you. Thats the artist mind for ya.

  4. Hey, its your blog and nobody is being forced to read it! If your readers don't like retro Wednesday, it's their problem, not yours. I happen to like it, myself.

  5. Aww, thanks ya'll. I usually keep my inner voice under control but she seemed to have reared her ugly head there for a minute. Rest assured, she's back in her cage.

    I'll probably do Retro Wednesdays every now and then, But Walk With Me Wednesdays is something I've been thinking about doing for a while now. It seems I need themes to keep me blogging.

  6. I can't get over how happy Kali looks in that picture with you and Sage, and I also can't even stand how cute McKenna is in that last picture. My lord.

  7. Yeah, Kali's like, "Praise the Lord! I'm outta that house! I'm freee! Ooo look, a lizard. . ."

  8. I just want everyone to know that thing in McKenna's mouth is a pretzel stick, not a lollipop. Or a cigarette.

  9. Anonymous8:59 AM

    More of everything, walk with me wednesdays, Great! But retro wednesdays just as Great! Please don't stop the taking a look at old books and commenting on them or other older things... it's like a bed time story! You are great at creating beauty!
