Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Studio Tuesday - New life for an old thing.

Some of you may have been following the wardrobe saga (parts one and two). Well here, ladies and gentleman, is the end result. I spent two weeks working on it when I could - sanding, puttying, screwing and unscrewing, priming and painting. I probably could have put together 3 Ikea wardrobes in that time, but they still wouldn't have been as nice as this one. There's something very gratifying in restoring a piece of furniture.

I even painted the inside:

and covered the doors and drawers with contact paper.

The top seemed like a nice place to display my vintage luggage (filled with vintage needlepoint and embroidery pieces, quilt tops, etc.)

The cubby became my kokoleo office and now houses all my business info, tags, mailing labels, etc. The drawer below it is the packaging station full of envelopes, tissue paper, stationary, etc.

There's this odd square supporting a little shelf in the cubby. I hired this guy to oversee the place:

Drawer #2 holds a bunch of ladies shirts to be altered or embellished and the drawer below it holds toddler shirts. Surprisingly, these deep narrow drawers hold way more than the wide and shallow dresser drawers I had before.

The bottom drawer holds the miscellaneous - purse parts, tools, hats, bags, etc.

The closet:

There. Now I can move on. Mission accomplished. Wardrobe acquired. One little aspect of my life is organized. Hmmm, what should I obsess over next?


  1. That looks AWESOME, KB! You did a great job!

  2. Looks great! It found just the right home. Fate.

  3. Thanks Lisa!

    sugarcreek- yep, most of my favorite things end up coming to me like that. Which leads me to wonder - What other awesome perfect things are out just waiting for me? I must go find them.

  4. Wow, KB, it looks amazing. I voted for the wrong thing for sure. It is perfect.
    Love the cupcake stuff too!

  5. very nice!!

    also good to find another LA crafter!!

  6. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Looks great! I think you did a wonderful job on it.
