Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sometimes we do stuff

Today is rather cold and dreary, but yesterday was, according to Sage, "The best Saturday ever."

We got all spiffied up and drove down through Hollywood. . .

(our favorite bowling alley Lucky Strike)

(Sage's favorite landmark - the Ripley's dinosaur eating the clock)

(tourist hotspot - Hollywood and Highland)

(The big giant iPod sign you can see from Runyon Canyon)

. . . and ended up here:

The LACMA. We had to kill a little time until 5:00 when the prices dropped, so we went here:

The Craft and Folk Art museum where we saw two ceramic exhibits (no photgraphy allowed). I was allowed to take a picture of the gift shop though

and I bought Sage a Kalimba from Africa and McKenna (I call her my little Bunny Roo) a bunny finger puppet handknit in Peru.

After that, we strolled through the La Brea tar pits.

Seriously, they're kinda gross. But there are dinosaur bones in there!

Those elephants are not real.

Sage enjoyed rolling down the hillside:

and McKenna enjoyed being cute:

Unfortunately, this is all I can show you of the Dali exhibit (no photography allowed):

but it was a really great show. Even better, McKenna was quiet and content the whole time and Sage didn't destroy any priceless works of art, in fact, he was really interested in all the "weird stuff" and never once complained of being bored. We got to see Dali's paintings up close, which is really the only way you can appreciate the details. Sage enjoyed finding the all hidden symbols - keys, ants, grasshoppers, "bendy clocks," etc. We also watched a few of Dali's short films - collaborations with Alfred Hitchcock, Walt Disney, and Andy Warhol. The 20's 30's and 40s must have been an exciting time to be an artist. Nowadays everyone's a weirdo and it's harder to be so scandalous.

After the show we were starving and found this cool Indian restaurant on Melrose

where we had the best dinner ever

in a cozy little secluded booth that Sage deemed "fancy" and where McKenna and I could nurse incognito and she could sleep in peace atop my purse.

Here ends the VanHorn family outing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting comment-posting errors! But that was a lovely post.
