Friday, November 09, 2007

I'm no graphic designer

But! I did put together a couple things in Photoshop recently.

I made this flyer for Craftmas Bizarre 3 organizer Stacy McQueen (a.ka. the Craft Whore), and all the other vendors to distribute about town. I'm psyched to be a part of such a cool event. There will be music and short films and comedy and drinks! If you live in the area and want to attend, simply print out that flyer, write "kokoleo" on the back, and you can get in for free (or don't, and pay $1 at the door.) Come! It'll be fun!

Also, more Photoshoppery:

My first ad! You can see it on the blog run by Danielle Green (who also heads a cool shop called Collective Elements). Indiesave features lots of coupons, deals, sales and offers from independent designers all over the web. Sweet! I normally don't advertise because A. I can't afford it and B. for now, I'm kinda comfortable with the clientelle I already have, especially as far as personalized stuff goes. However, Danielle was offering a sweet deal (free!) for a limited time so I jumped on it and put together an ad this morning.

I have a newfound respect for graphic designers. It's not as easy as it looks. There are all these fonts to fool with and pixels to tackle and glitches to overcome. I'd much rather rip seams and make my things on the sewing machine.


  1. That is one amazing flyer. The color of the poinsettias and the ransom note chopped out letters. Way cool. I like your ad too.

  2. Thanks! The pointsettia print is from some vintage Christmas fabric I scanned into the computer and tweaked the color/resolution/etc. in Photoshop. I love importing fabric into my computer and playing around with it.

  3. I would have never known you had no experience with graphics. I love your little ad. I think it shows exactly what you sell in an appealing way! Great flyer too! And thanks for the shout out about and Collective Elements.
