Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Dress-A-Day #3: Patchwork Easter Sundress

I forgot to show the first sundress I made for McKenna last month. While shopping for an Easter dress, I remembered that I can make dresses for little girls - I should make one for my own daughter. So I did. Here she is with her brother Easter morn before church:

Yeah, I said it, church. After 15 years away from it, I finally found one I like - St. Mike's Episcopal in Studio City. We've been going there for over a year now and the kids actually look forward to it every week. It helps that there's a group of fun boys Sage's age and a few girls McKenna's age and an awesome playground and good food at coffee hour. Beyond that, it's nice to be a part of a community that does good things for the community. I'm so happy I found it. It renewed my faith (literally) in organized religion.

But I digress. Back to the dress. My mom had visited the week before and bought me this vintage spiderweb pattern quilt top at a quilt show we attended. I went back and forth between having her make it into a quilt (she's good at that) or making it into sundresses and other things. It was a little difficult (emotionally, morally) cutting into someone else's hand-stitched handiwork, but damn if it doesn't make for an adorable dress that looks way more difficult to make than it really was.
My mom made that quilt.

It's hard to see in those pictures, but I embroidered a heart in the middle hexagon. It's open at the bottom though, so it's also an M, for McKenna.

These shots are from our photo shoot afternoon last week. It's been worn and washed twice since Easter.

I strive to make my sundresses sturdy.


  1. i love this!! and the trim...swoon ;)

  2. Anonymous5:00 AM

    um. i want this. now.
