Friday, August 28, 2009

Friendship Pins!

A few weeks ago, a call went out for swag bag submissions for the L.A. premiere of Handmade Nation. Surely you've heard of Handmade Nation by now - the indie documentary by Faythe Levine all about the recent resurgence of crafting in America. If you aren't lucky enough to live in a city that's hosting a viewing, it will be available this fall through Get it! It's sure to be a craft cult classic.

Living in L.A., I've had numerous opportunities to contribute to celebrity swag bags and have always declined. 50 toddler sundresses in exchange for "great celebrity exposure for kokoleo"? No thanks. I'd rather be obscure. But 200 contributions for the craft community? Sure! Here's what I made:

Friendship pins! Remember those? It was an early 80s fad. We swapped them with our friends and wore them attached to our shoelaces. It was a sweet and simple crafty gesture and I want it to make a comeback. I spent two nights putting beads on safety pins, then attaching them to my business cards.

Two per card, labeled, "Friendship Pins!"
"One for you. One for a friend."

100 sets in all, sent out into the city.

Now I need to get them out across the country, so the first 3 people to leave a comment will get a set. I'll email you soon and send some your way. To quote (kinda) an 80s sitcom theme song... You will see a little gift will be from me and the card attached will say, Thank you for being a friend.


  1. I loved making these when I was a kid!

  2. super cool idea putting them on your business cards!!! they look awesome!! i totally remember them too!!

  3. Fun stuff. I think I'm number three!

  4. I loved friendship pins from way back when. They were so popular!

  5. Love it. I'm totally going to make these with Lily.

  6. Ha ha yet another example of how behind the times we were... fad in the MID-90'S for me! Hmmm this would be a super awesome back-to-school craft program, though I need something just as awesome for the guys...

  7. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I just got a bunch of these yesterday at a Girl Scout camp! We are keeping the tradition alive.

  8. I am working on getting my own idea out across the country and perhaps we could help each other! I love the idea of friendship pins making a comeback~

  9. Nice pins, thanks for the photo and for the information!

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