Saturday, June 27, 2009

Speaking of thrifty deals. . .

Check out what I got at a yard sale today:

For $3! I nearly peed my pants when I heard that price. SOLD! It was in awesome ready-to-ride condition too, all it needed was a little more air in the tires. I rode it up our street when I got home and realized I hadn't been on a bike since before Sage was born - over 7 years ago. And you know what? It was just like riding a bike. . .


  1. What a deal! I remember riding a very similar bike when I was younger. Ah...the memories of riding around the neighborhood young and free.

  2. that makes me want to clap my hands! awesome score, enjoy the ride(s)!

  3. Anonymous4:38 AM

    hi kb...i hade a bike just like that back in the 60s. what a deal ! i miss you...annette

  4. Annette, I could totally see you on a bike like that.

    I had a banana seat bike that I inherited from my brother who inherited it from a babysitter. I think it was orange. No basket though. I always wanted a basket. I would have paid $3 for just the basket!

  5. that bike is sooooo sweet! i would park that baby in my living room its so cool! lucky you!
