Thursday, April 23, 2009

Some recent personalized stuff. . .

I always have a list of names written on a dry erase board in my studio. It never fails, as soon as I cross off one name, another one takes its place.

Sometimes it's even for the same name I just finished.

Or for names I've done before, but in very different color schemes.

These were all names I've never done before:

You want to know something terrible? I've made hundreds of these things for kids I've never met, but I've never made one for my own kids. I made Sage a personalized shirt once, and they have monsters and lots of kokoleo clothes, but no banners or pillows. I keep meaning to make them each one but I'm usually too busy making them for other kids. What's the saying? The cobblers kids wear no shoes. My kids aren't that bad off. They wear shoes at least.


  1. I'm totally with you, people always think we have all this cool stuff since we make it, right? Like you I rarely make/keep anything for myself. Right now I really need a sewing machine cover. Dreaming....

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