Monday, March 16, 2009

Yard Sale!

Saturday afternoon I joined my NoHo girls Susie and Heidi of Rock Scissor Paper for a yard sale (check out their Retro Recession cards, they're funny). When I made my "don't buy any thing" resolution at the beginning of the month my one reservation was missing out on their yard sale. Their yard sales have always been good for kokoleo. It was at their yard sale two years ago (blogged here) that I first met them and since then we've run into each other at craft shows and other indie crafty events. Last year I scored some cute clothes for McKenna at their yard sale (blogged here) and each time I get lots of their little notepads, buttons, etc. to throw in as thank yous with my kokoleo orders.

Here's a not-so-secret secret: I always throw a few goodies in with my orders. Return customers get even more. Often it's Rock Scissor Paper stuff. Usually I throw in some stickers. Sometimes there's a bottle cap magnet, pin, or barrette. Sometimes it's a prototype of a design I'm working on that didn't come out perfect (by my standards) but still is cute. Sometimes it's something that was slightly damaged in a craft show mishap (now 100% off!). Sometimes I even make a special something from scratch to add to the package. I like surprising people.

Anyway, back to my story. Last week Susie sent me an email letting me know ther yard sale was this weekend. Since I was running low on notepads, I was happy to be able to get some more. Then I remembered my resolution. So I thought of a loophole. If I had a yard sale that morning too, I could take the money I made and spend it at their yard sale and technically it wouldn't count, it'd be more like swapping my stuff for theirs (yeah, lame logic, I know) . Then I thought, why don't I just join their sale instead of being all lonely at my own? Luckily when I asked, Susie said "Absolutely!"

So Saturday morning I left the kids with Erik and spent the next few hours standing around stuff chatting with Susie and Heidi and making money in the process. Not a lot, but $27.75. One of the best parts about yard sales for me is seeing other people happy to get great deals. Toward the end we were wheeling and dealing and selling stuff for a quarter and throwing things in for free. I sold my old desk for a dollar! I would have paid him a dollar to take it.

Somehow, amidst our chatting, I mentioned how Sage loves my vintage Wacky Packages and Susie went inside and brought out this for me:

Sweet! I saw this exact fabric on Flickr once and even commented, "I would loooove to own that fabric." And now I do!

I got some other awesome stuff too. Throughout the sale I kept a box under one of the tables and slowly squirreled away some of their stuff I wanted to buy at the end:

When I went to pay for it, Heidi said she couldn't take my money, she wanted me to keep my resolution so she gave me everything for free. Whee! Free panties for everyone!

Well, not everyone, but the next 10 kokoleo customers. I got my panties in a bunch and now I'm giving them to you.


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Hi KB! We had so much fun hanging out with you on Saturday. Glad we could do it! Can't wait to see what you make out of the wacky packs fabric. xoxo Susie

  2. Looks like you got some GREAT stuff!! However, you did forget to mention Garbage Pail Kids!!!! haha!! Those were AWESOME!!

  3. Haha, yes, I thought you would like that Jenny. I remember GPKs being all the rage at Woodsdale.

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