Friday, March 06, 2009

With friends like these. . .

. . . who needs shopping? A few days ago I found another package on my doorstep. It was from a friend from elementary school who I haven't seen in 25 years but recently reconnected with on Facebook. She told me she had some fabric she thought I'd like and she was right. I love it! Check it out:

A cute Holly Hobbie-ish print. I see sundresses in its future.


is huge. I'm thinking I'll either make it into a baby blanket or use it as the front panel of a lady's skirt. It from 1982, by Peyo. So were these:

As I was photographing them I was thinking about how cute they'd look when I turned them into pillows. Before I knew it I was pulling out fabric, cutting out Smurfshrooms, stitching them up, stuffing them, and setting up cartoony environments at one in the morning so I could show you how they turned out:

Aren't they Smurfy? Thanks Courtney! You're the Smurfiest.


  1. gotta love facebook!!! lovin the smurfshroom pillows - so CUTE!!!!
    looks like you made out w/some awesome stuff!!

    have a great weekend!

  2. WOW KB, you are one rapidly productive person! Those are soooo cool. I am SO glad I passed the fabric along to you!

    P.S. The fabric is actual Holly Hobbie, just a less familiar style. You can see "Holly Hobbie" written near the little pictures on it.

  3. Ah, yes, you're right. That girl had so many different variations. Apparently there's a hip modern version now, and a movie too. I just found this:

    Also, I heard there was a live action Smurf movie in the works. Ew!

  4. I LOVE the smurfshroom pillows!!

    The Smurfs have always been a fave of mine :)

  5. these are so cute! so glad your husband found a job! we made the decision to move out west right before the economy went to crap, 9 months of no work, yuck!
