Monday, March 30, 2009

My 8 Days Around L.A. (with kids) . . .

Well, that was fun. . . exhausting and expensive, but fun. I don't know what I'm going to do this summer when I have to entertain both kids again. We could visit a new place in L.A. every day for the rest of our lives and still not see it all. Besides, sometimes it's nice just to stay home.

Lest you think I'm some happily energetic supermom and my children are always sweet and joyful, I feel like I should mention that what I presented was an edited version of the last 8 days. I chose the cutest pictures and deleted all the ugly ones of myself. I didn't show the meltdowns or mention how many times I said typical mom phrases like, "Keep your hands to yourself!" and "Do you want me to turn this car around?" I didn't show you what it was like when we came home from these excursions - my messy kitchen, projects piled up in my studio, the weeds in the garden. I didn't photograph Sage staring at the television while McKenna napped and I got on the computer. Those things just aren't as exciting or photogenic.

Sometimes I wondered why I made myself do it. It took well over an hour each night to upload pictures and write about our day in order to meet my self-imposed deadline. I'm such a demanding boss and I don't even pay well. It was worth in in other ways though. Some people scrapbook; I blog. I have no idea where we'll be in a year or if I'll ever have this kind of time again. These kids are growing up so fast I just wanted to capture the way they are right now. Sage has enjoyed reading about our excursions too. Yesterday he said I should make it "9 Days Around L.A." and blog about our trip to Big Lots. Haha. No. (Don't worry, I stayed true to my pledge not to buy anything. Luckily Erik didn't make the same pledge.)

Today, we're returning to a normal routine. Sage is in school, McKenna is sleeping, and it's time for me to get back to my kokoleo. . .


  1. Anonymous7:47 AM

    We loved sharing in your daily trips. We noted Sage often was pictured showing or explaining things to McKenna. He is so sweet and loving toward her. Did you have a brother like that?


  2. Just letting you know, I loved the effort you made posting about your trips. The chances of me seeing those places is pretty slim, thanks for letting me "travel" from my den.
    Your kids are so juicy!

  3. Thanks girls. In addition to recording these days for myself, it was also for our family and friends back east and my loyal blog friends who give me a reason to blog in the first place. Thanks for reading!

  4. I loved all reading about your days as well, and I was so touched by your blog of Sage going to the playground he used as a younger very sweet! Also, you are the coolest mother ever--what amazing adventures you take your children on.
