Wednesday, March 25, 2009

8 Days Around L.A. (with kids): Day 5 - Sesame Street in Hollywood

Today's field trip took us to see the Sesame Street Presents: The Body exhibit at Hollywood and Highland.

It was cute. My kids are the perfect age for it. Sage likes learning about gross stuff and he was able to read all the descriptions and instructions and interact with the exhibit. McKenna just loves Muppets in general so it was great for her too. They learned about hands:

And digestion:

Guess what this is. . .

Here's a hint:

This was Sage's favorite. If you pulled the lever and it landed on a germ, snot rained down.

Here, you could pump the heart and lungs:

I thought this family was cute. They were racing each other.

It's Guy Smiley!

There was an obstacle course. The CRASH! wall was a hit.

I want a grocery store like this in my neighborhood:

I loved all the fake food.

Sesame Street has come a long way from when we were kids and they promoted eating cookies like a maniac. Ahh numm numm numm.

Here is Oscar outside the store. I told the kids to pretend it smelled bad.

It was right here that we got crowded by a mob of toddlers and their moms. I thought a celebrity had walked in. I was right. . .

it was Elmo! (I'm glad they didn't use the Elmo that hangs out with all the other costumed chracters in front of Grauman's Chinese theater next door. That Elmo is nasty.)

We went into his world and McKenna met Dorothy.

(She smiles, really she does, she was just a tad overwhelmed.) Next, we pretended to wash up:

and went outside.

Then we drove a few streets down and met Erik at his new job. I'd show you the building and tell you about the movie they're working on, but the film industry is all hush-hush about works in progress, so I can't. It's a nice place though. We walked down the block and ate here.

Sage worked on the kids menu which oddly enough, was all about how to keep your body healthy. Here's Mickey Rae and her dad with the Hollywood sign between them. I drew an arrow to help you find it:

Here, I'll zoom in for you. . .

On the way home I captured this gigantic Pepsi billboard (building board?):

and while it's obnoxiously commercial (it's huge!) and oddly Obamarific, it's a nice thing to see while you're sitting in traffic.

You can see more pictures in my Flickr album. Next up: Dinosaurs!

1 comment:

  1. that place looks AWESOME!! keira would love it! i am enjoying your posts and everything looks super fun!! i bet the kids are having a blast! can't wait for the dinosaurs!
