Monday, March 23, 2009

8 Days Around L.A. (with kids): Day 3 - Beverly Hills and Studio City

This morning we were all set to go to Kidspace in Pasadena, but when I went to print out Mapquest directions, I discovered they're not open on Monday. So we changed our plans and drove over the freeway, through the heart of Hollywood, all the way to Beverly Hills. We ended up here:

Tree House Social Club, an indoor playspace for the preschool set. I forget where I first heard about it, but their website impressed me so I had to take the kids to check it out.

They've got a lot going on there - craft and cooking classes, dinner and movie nights, a computer room, a toddler area, a store, and of course, a tree house.

(My camera died, so I switched to taking pictures with my phone. This is always happening to me. Note to self: Recharge batteries! Bring extras!)

In a couple years, Sage is going to be too old for this kind of stuff. For now though, he likes showing McKenna around and teaching her how to do things.

They had a snack (check out the cool collaged table):

McKenna played with a dollhouse:

and rode a tired (as in, made from a tire) pony:

While Sage made a wand:

and some masks:

This awesome cabinet was in their craft room; each drawer filled with craft supplies. I want it.

I browsed the store and talked to the ladies who worked there,

and then we headed home. Note to self: Don't start heading home during rush hour in Hollywood.

I missed my exit because I couldn't get over in time, so we ended up in Studio City. I figured since we were there, we might as well try this kid's hair salon I've been meaning to check out. Sage likes his hair long, but it was starting to look scruffy so I took him in for a trim.

It was a little more expensive than the Fantastic Sams we usually go to around the corner from us but it was worth it to not have to chase McKenna around and keep her occupied. She played with the riding toys

and checked out the gumball/pinball machines,

and found some lollipops.

And Sage was made to look respectable again.

Well, somewhat respectable.

See you tomorrow!

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