Friday, March 20, 2009

11 days and counting. . .

Gahhh, is March over yet? I'm tired of depriving myself. I miss my thrift stores. It doesn't help that I opened my mailbox the other day to find this:

I know! Me too! Don't rub it in. I'm starting to feel bad about the fact that I'm not doing my part to help the economy. . . which brings me to my new resolution. . .

Sage has spring break next week. The thought of being stuck in this house with the two of them climbing all over the furniture and making messes gives me a headache. So, rather than letting them zone out on SpongeBob all week (SpongeBob = Valium for rambunctious children), we're going to do something new around L.A. every day. This city has so much to offer and we've barely scratched the surface. I may not be buying things right now, but I'll pay for experiences - museums, exhibits, independently owned kid-oriented businesses - these places need our money. Experiences create memories, not clutter. Plus, it'll give me something new to blog about.


  1. that is an AWESOME idea KB!! i bet they will love it and you will enjoy yourself too!!

    have fun and can't wait to hear about it!

  2. Heidi & I used to do this once a week with our little sister's & Brother when they were in elementary school. It was so fun for ALL of us. We have incredible memories and pictures from these adventures! You'll have a great time!

  3. Couldn't agree with you more. I've been making a conscious effort not to spend needlessly on any more "things." I've been taking my daughter on special outings like puppetshows, beaches, or just out walking in another neighborhood. We live in NYC, so there's no excuse not to. Enjoy! These are the things our children will remember.

  4. KB, Couldn't agree with you more....we need to start hopping on the train more to get into the meantime, Frederick has lots to do.
