Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thrift Thursday - Linens and Drink-things

Last Friday I found an unexpected package on my doorstep. It was from my friend Annette. Thank you Annette! You're awesome. Check out this cute linen piece she sent me:

I always feel bad for Thursday's child, full of woe. Poor thing. But what an awesome linen! I'm not sure what I want to turn it into yet - a bag? pillows? little dolls? I'll have to think about this for a while. Here's another linen she sent:

Ha! So 70s.

Also in the box was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle bedsheet (I'm thinking they'll become boys pajamas), and a shirt made from this material:

which I'm thinking I'll turn into a sundress for McKenna. Also in the box was a big bag of buttons (with two quarters! free money!) and this mug:

Which Erik finds disturbing and won't be drinking coffee out of any time soon.

Speaking of drink-things, here's a glass I found at the thrift store yesterday, it makes me happy. . .

. . . as does the liquid that's in it.


  1. Those are awesome linens! I think the Women's Lib one is so cute but the gnomes are my favorite.

    Nice glass...I hope you enjoyed your drink :)

  2. What a great package! Love that tea towel to bits!

  3. I love all the things you got but find it hillarious your other half finds the mug disturbing.... actually sounds like my hubby, they just don't get it sometimes eh?
