Thursday, February 05, 2009

Look! Kokoleo in Craft:!

Have you seen the latest issue of Craft: magazine? The one with my idol Amy Sedaris on the cover?

Go get it! I'm in it! On pages 149-150. A two-page spread!

I'd show you a better close-up but I want you to go out and buy it. Show it to your friends and say, "I know that girl!"

Please tell them I don't always look that maniacal. Eek! (No offense to the artist, I'm just vain.) Still, I'm honored to be part of such an awesome magazine and among so many talented artists and crafters. Props to Jenny Ryan for featuring my original tutorial on the Craft: blog, which led to the editor asking me to write an expanded version for the magazine. Jenny also has a tutorial in this issue, Make a Silly Snake (pgs. 140-142), excerpted from her book Sew Darn Cute:

And check out some of the other awesome stuff in this issue:

These recycled microfiche cuffs by Julie Yu are amazing. I want one! I don't, however, want one of these:

but it sure is cool to look at. It's by artist Susan Danis. It makes me want to make great big art again.

Since I like to repurpose vintage patterns too, I fell in love with this pattern, fabric and collage embroidery by Gina Bailey of doecdoe.

And Martina Celerin's textile art is beautiful:

That's just an itty bitty glimpse of all the awesomeness that's in there. Go get it and see for yourself! In the meantime, check out all the new eyeglass jewelry I just added to the accessories section of my website. Or just buy the latest Craft: magazine, follow my tutorial, and make your own!


  1. Hey, that's AWESOME! Congratulations!

  2. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I LOVE this project so much! I am going to mention you in my blog (if that is ok!) and try it myself!

    oh, and you are a braver lady than me for going to American Way. Last time I was there, rats were crawling along the ceiling (shutter).


  3. Congrats, a 2 page spread, thats awesome!
    And Amy Sedaris, I about wet myself when I read her book. Love her too.

  4. Congratulations! I *do* want to run out and buy a copy. In fact, I'm kicking myself since I have yet to sign up for a subscription. I keep thinking I'll do it at the next event (where they throw in a free issue).

  5. congrats, what a spread! AND with Amy is like you are famous! Give yourself a pat on the back. Well done!

  6. Anonymous12:56 PM

    This is so cool, KB!

    I hate that Craft magazine is being shuttered. At least the website will stay up and running.

  7. I know! I'm crushed that the print version is no more, but thrilled that I got to be in the final one! I trust that they'll still be kicking crafty ass on the web though.

  8. I saw this and remembered when you first blogged about it. That is awesome!!
