Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What Another Weekend!

This past weekend was a crafty doozy! TWO shows in a row -- Foundations School Community Harvest Festival on Saturday, and Felt Club on Sunday. I survived! And sold a lot of stuff too.

At FSC, it was nice to see some of my old students and to see customers from previous years still carrying around their kokoleos.

and even purchasing some more. . .

I couldn't resist snapping a picture of this cute mom and daughter duo displaying their new kokoleo purchases in the courtyard.

It was a relatively relaxing show, especially compared to Sunday's . . .

(Photo by Jenny Ryan)

Felt Club! Holy Moley it was packed! I heard the line to get in wrapped around the Shrine and some people wanting to get a swag bag waited for hours. Here's my booth soon after I set it up:

And here's how it was the majority of the time:

I made a new batch of Obama buttons last week and they sold out in the first 2 hours. Other popular items were my necktie headbands and eyeglass jewelry. I also sold some gigantic bags and pillows, which made the load to take home much lighter, and my wallet heavier (quadruple digits!) I got some great feedback and loved hearing "This reminds me of. . ." and "I had this fabric when I was a kid!" from people who stopped in my booth. I saw customers from past Felt Clubs and other shows who told me they still love the thing they bought back then. Some were even wearing those things! Like this lady:

Who bought that headband and Raggedy Anne necklace from me at the Patchwork show last week.

And my former student Lillye. . .

who's rocking a kokoleo skirt that she bought the day before at FSC.

Even my former camper from West Virginia, Rachel, who I recently reconnected with on Facebook stopped by.

We hadn't seen each other in over 15 years!

I had a great conversation with this lady, who bought one of my eyeglass lens necklaces:

I had lots of great conversations actually, one after the other, non-stop talk without a break to eat or pee. It wasn't until the very end that the crowd thinned a little and I snuck away to say hi to some people. Here's Jenny, the founding mother of Felt Club:

Poketo was across the aisle from me. They got to watch me frantically build my booth and finish just as the doors opened to the public. They also lent me a pen, which I lost. Sorry! I owe them a pen.

These people were to the side of me. Their company is Cherished Petit. They also lent me a pen. I have a hard time holding on to pens. Note to self: Bring lots of pens next time.

Here's Stacy McQueen, who hosted last year's Craftmas Bizarre, surrounded by her Grumpstallation:

I always love seeing Christine Haynes, she's sweet. Her book "Chic and Simple Sewing" is coming out in April. Awesome!

I first met Jek, of Jek in the Box, 4 years ago at the Bazaar Bizarre (also at the Shrine) when we traded crafty Christmas ornaments. I wish I would have traded her something for one of those cool vegetable bags she makes out of vintage fabric and doilies. I didn't do a single trade with anyone this time. I was too busy to browse!

I finally met my blog/Flickr/Facebook friend Carrie Sommer from Sommer Designs. Her stuff is gorgeous and so classy, like her.

I also stopped to quickly chat with her vendor neighbors Jennifer Ramos of Textile Fetish and Shari Bonnin. Thanks Jennifer, for watching my booth for a minute before my bladder exploded all over the merchandise!

Shawn an Aldo are another duo I've done many a show with, most recently the Swap-O-Rama-Rama in the spring. Their company Social Studies is super cool.

There are lots more fellow vendor folk I waved to across the crowd or exchanged This is craziness! glances in passing. Suffice it to say, it was a blast. I thought this girl's necklace summed up the Felt Club experience quite nicely:

Colorful, creative, crowded, and completely crazy.


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    wow ! i wish i could have been with you at felt club, it looks like sooo much fun. there is nothing i am aware of like it here in the dc area. too conservative ? hope you are well, i will be back in san jose in feb. still sort of far, but at least in the same state. talk to you soon...annette

  2. Looks like so much fun. I don't know of anything in my area (KY) either. I will have to do some research....

  3. If there isn't, then make one! If you advertise it, I promise people will show up.

  4. Hey KB, it was fun sitting in your booth for 5 minutes. I really got a sense off what distinguishes your handmade goods from mine. I can't put it into words. I know people make comparisons, but, yeah! Very fun stuff. I wish we could be neighbors and hang out.

  5. I hope that's a good thing? And who are these people?


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