Sunday, November 30, 2008

Me and my stockpile.

I have fallen off the blogging wagon. For a while, I was doing really well, coming up with weekly themes and sticking to them, taking and uploading pictures, writing about the things I do and see and buy and make. It's a job in itself really, giving people something to read, and it's not a lucrative one. Still, I keep coming back and saying things. I wonder why I do that?

You'd think by looking at my blog and website that I haven't been making much. I feel though, like I've been making more than ever before. I just haven't been keeping up with photographing and uploading and talking about and trying to sell aspect. I was stockpiling. Suddenly, I had a TON of stuff.

Like sundresses:

Eyeglass lens jewelry:

Bottlecap magnets and pins:

As well as a bunch of new embellished stuff, a few pillows, and some more necktie accessories. All of which I had no idea whether or not people would even like, but I made them anyway. I wonder why I do that? Really, my life would be much less complicated if I didn't carry all this stuff around all the time. So far though, the response has been good. I have 3 shows down and 3 to go. A lot of those things I just showed have already been sold, but there's still plenty left. If I run out, I'll just make more.

Then, come January, I'm going to get back to taking care of my website. That's another thing I've been working on ALL YEAR - my website. Finally, after hours and hours and glitches and images and fonts and backgrounds and modified templates and curse words and tears, it's at a point where I like it again. Now all I have to do is update the different shops within it and I'll be good to go. There are a lot of shops in there though - Kids and Ladies and Guys and Accessories and Bags and Home Decor and Monsters and Personalized stuff. Too much stuff really, but that's apparently how I roll.

Anyway, please check it out and tell me what you think. I don't fancy myself a graphic designer by any means. I approached it more like I was piecing together patchwork. If you come across any page or link that needs mending, please let me know.


  1. Very nice! It's fun and easy to navigate and I LOVE the buttons-as-icons.

  2. wow! you've been busy.

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    i love everything! those smurf dresses are insane, love them. oh and the douche (sp??) necklace, holy cow thats funny!


  4. Your website looks great, I love all the buttons.

  5. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Wow, those sundresses really take me back. I had the smurf sheets and my brother had the charlie brown. You creations are so ADORABLE!

  6. Greetings, I love your article. This is a nice site and I wanted to post a comment to let you know, nice job! Thanks
