Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sage's butterflies

Since McKenna was the focus of my last post, I thought I'd give Sage a little airtime too. He got this "Butterfly Treehouse" for his birthday in August, and in September we sent away for the caterpillars. A few weeks ago they arrived in in the mail and we watched them grow a little every day and then form their chrysalids. Last Friday we found butterflies fluttering about inside. Unfortunately, I didn't think to photograph this process, but I did manage to capture some pictures of him releasing them this weekend.

I'll let you play "Where's Waldo?" with these pictures. . .


  1. How cool Sage. Please tell me where to buy ... I know my GS would love to do this next summer.

  2. We had a similar kit, and I found the process hard to photograph. Even the butterflies had to be urged to open their wings and look pretty for the camera.

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