Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Studio Tuesday - I love my magnets.

These aren't in my studio, they're in Erik's, which is really the garage. Or it was the garage, but it's currently crowded with an easel and paintings. These are the cabinets that hold garage-type stuff - the cleaners, scrubbers, sponges, buckets, etc. The magnets used to be on the fridge in our kitchen, but it was getting to be too much. I like them better on this.

In 1998, the summer after I graduated from college and before we moved to Savannah, Erik and Koko and I drove across the country and back in my Chevy Lumina. It took us 4 weeks and we didn't stay in any place more than one night. I made it a point to get one of those state-shaped magnets (that actually don't fit together at all) in every state we went through, plus some from places along the way. We've added to them since that trip and that's become my thing on vacations - to find the perfect magnet to remember it.

There's another cabinet beside that one. That's where we put all the weird stickers we get.

It's a work in progress.


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Yay! for magnets!! :) They are so fun. And yay! for road trips!

  2. We had a similar kit, and I found the process hard to photograph. Even the butterflies had to be urged to open their wings and look pretty for the camera.
