Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy B-Day Mickey Rae!

My baby girl turned 1 today!

Apparently they have 3rd graders working the cake decorating station at Ralphs. Whatever, she demolished it anyway.

We had a little party for her - just the 4 of us and her best friends Kali and Bella. (Note to self: Make it a point to get McKenna some age and species-appropriate friends this year.)

Erik got her a cute Bambi dress and hairbrush at the Disney store at work. Sage got her a Brobee doll (the last on the shelf at Target) and I got her a Yo Gabba Gabba guitar. McKenna loves music, at the faintest sound of it she'll start shrugging her shoulders and bobbing her head. Like this:

and this:

(Thank you Grammy and PopPop!)

Sage made her a "Summer Book of Fun" inspired by his Highlights magazine.

Can you tell I just figured out how to post videos from our camera onto my blog? I promise not to make it a habit.

Happy Birthday little girl. Don't grow up too fast!


  1. Happy Happy Birthday little McKenna!!! You are so adorable...I just want to hug you to pieces!


  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I think her cake looks cute, but if you want to see some real cake mishaps you should check out this site: http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/ Some of these entries are hilarious!

    Happy Birthday McKenna!
    Susan (Bee) Shettle

  3. Ha! I just spent way too much time on that site. So funny.

  4. Go McKenna shake to da music! I totally love all these videos, and please tell Sage I would like a Summer Fun Book.

  5. Juicy Baby Award winner is McKenna! That video is adorable. Happy Birthday!

  6. Too, too cute! I can't believe she's one already. Happy birthday, McKenna!

  7. Happy Birthday!!

  8. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Awh! I love first birthday pictures! Happy Birthday, McKenna!

  9. We had a similar kit, and I found the process hard to photograph. Even the butterflies had to be urged to open their wings and look pretty for the camera.
