Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Studio Tuesday

So, I've decided for this here blog that I'm going to try to make Tuesdays "Studio Tuesdays" where I show pictures of my bathroom. Just kidding! I'm going to show pictures of my studio - table tops, inspiration boards, works in progress, etc. I think it'll be interesting to see how this room evolves over time.

I'm really loving my new space, mainly because there's actually space to walk around. Storage is the only thing I've struggled with but once I get a wardrobe I'll be 100% content. So far I've been getting by with this dresser:

but it's not working for me. I need a closet with a clothing rack to hang my kokoleo ladies and guys clothes. Plus, I want to fix this dresser up and give it to McKenna, who up until now has been living with cheapy plastic drawers. It's about time the girl gets something a little more substantial. Same goes for me. I've been coveting this one for months at Ikea:

It's $299 and I was planning on getting it when that George W. Bush I'm-sorry-for-being-such-a-sucky-president check comes in. Last week, however, I got all excited to find someone selling it on Craigslist for $99. I immediately called her and told her I wanted it and I could come right away to get it. The lady asked, "Are you positive you want it?" and I said yes, absolutely. She then said, "Okay, you can come on Sunday to look at it." On Saturday I called to make sure we were still on to come pick it up and she informed me that she had "over 50 people" interested in it but I was one of the "top 3" she had chosen and How much was it worth to me to get it? Long story short, I didn't end up being the "chosen one" and now just looking at the wardrobe brings up bad feelings for me. People like her give Craigslist a bad name.

(I considered titling this blog post The Lying Bitch and the Wardrobe, but I resisted.)

Aaanyway, the other day I saw this outside our neighborhood thrift store.

Not bad. Not awesome either. The closet part is a little cramped, one drawer has a chip out of the corner, and the inside felt a wee bit haunted.

Erik said I could easily fix the flaws, paint it, and air all the ghosties out. For only $75, it might be worth it.

What do you think? Should I hold out for the nice sleek $300 Ikea one that we have to put together? Or should I get the used vintage slightly flawed $75 one that needs some fresh paint and possibly an exorcism? Please, help me decide!


  1. I'd go vintage, much sturdier.. I mean, its lasted this long eh?? and hanging space is great, I wash and hang my large bits of fabric (backing, sometimes batting etc).. and this way also, you have $225 to help pay for the exorcism! LOL

  2. The vintage is way cooler. Just make sure the drawers slide smooth and that no strong odors are inside (like cat pee) that will stink up your studio.

    I think the vintage one would add such character to your studio, too.

    Good luck!

  3. Anonymous2:31 AM

    annette votes for vintage...i had one very similar to this one growing up, but it was my barbie mansion. on the wardrobe side, 3 stories of barbie living space, complete with custom beer can furniture that my mom made and covered in mod 1960s contact paper. the top area on the left held the purgatory barbies, those not yet chosen to reside in the mansion, and the drawers were for all their clothes and accessories. as you can tell, i was very spoiled...so, barring the cat pee smell, it looks like an ok deal. my mom finally let go of her sexy 70s stash of clothes yesterday, but unfortunatly, she had moth balls with most of it...have you heard of any secret method for getting rid of that smell? it is hideous. keep blogging, i am so hooked...love annette

  4. Anonymous6:03 AM

    "The Lying Bitch and the Wardrobe" had me falling out of my chair laughing. And we do love us some Craigslist as well.
    Susan (Bee) Shettle

  5. Go for the $75 one. Even with it's flaws, it still beautiful.

  6. Vintage. Use the extra money to make it beautiful (sleek if you want). It will be SUCH better quality in the end.

  7. The vintage one has much more character and charm, I think, than the cookie cutter Ikea one. Just think of what's been stored in it's drawers, and hung from it's rafters ;) I say spend $75 on vintage, save yourself some major bucks, and post The Lying Bitch's email address to a few pr0n sites - for karma :D

  8. I'm the lone dissenter (so far). Get the new one. There's more space, the hook on the side will help you display either finished pieces or inspiration, and I'm pretty sure you could use the top rack for the same thing. Plus, it's clean and fresh and doesn't require an exorcism, or at least the sprinkling of holy water and pagan chants. Good luck! Can't wait to see what you choose!


  9. Another vote for vintage! Way cuter with a little work. But...I also understand wanting something shiny and new that requires NO work.

  10. I just choked on my toast, funniest post ever! I was looking forward to some bathroom pics.

    And the lying bitch and the wardrobe had to be worth what you went through just for that story.

    OOOHHH I love the Vintage one. Those doors, those drawers. If only I lived closer, I'd buy it and then I'd help you get the Ikea one home for you in my big truck!

  11. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I'll throw a vote to a new one. I like the idea of the vintage one, the charm of it, etc., but with limited space you want to maximize each square inch and you'll get more space out of one more designed for that function. Also, ghosts!

  12. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Hey KB - its rachel
    Agreed about the "lying bitch and the wardrobe" Laugh out loud funny.
    I am voting Ikea - because Ryan and I had a vintage wardrobe, purchase in Fayetteville no less. We refinished it and moved it around with us for years, but the bottom line was that there wasn't enough space. We were planning on using it for Avenelle and even that was limited. Time is money too, and you will need to put some love in the vintage one - use that time to make new kokoleo stuff, like that awesome city skirt in the picture.
    So, although it isn't an the most popular choice I vote IKEA.
    So much for reducing your daily impact - sorry

  13. Anonymous5:04 PM

    save a tree. go vintage.

  14. Thanks, everyone, for all the awesome points to consider. Now I'm even more torn on which to get! Haha. Part of me wishes someone else would get the vintage one so I have an excuse, another part say, "Go get it now before someone else does!"

    . . . and then another part says to wait for the Ikea one.

    I don't know why furniture purchases fill me with such angst.

  15. Go Green, Go Vintage. The polar bears will thank you!

  16. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I'd go for the vintage wardrobe; it's a redemptive act and it will probably out last anything from IKEA.

  17. Buy the thrift store wardrobe! It's got character--like you! But I doubt you need airing out! LOL Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment...I find yours very entertaining to read!

  18. Keep repeating to yourself ". . . that you have to put together." Dude! IKEA furniture takes about HOURS to assemble. The only thing that erases the resentment of time lost is how nice it looks when it's finished. I think part of that is infused endorphins.

  19. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I think you deserve awesome--either get the Ikea or hold out for a thrift find that suits you a little more.

  20. Anonymous9:28 AM

    The Lying Bitch and the wardrobe...YES... we wouldnt think any less of you if you had. what a beautiful piece!
