Monday, May 12, 2008

Made by Monday - kokoleos

I've been slowly working on revamping my website. It's hard. I wish I could just stick it into my sewing machine and build it that way. Instead I have to make files and import images and move text around on layers with links and hope it will all upload as planned. I'm dumping the splash page and redesigning the homepage. I came to the conclusion that I'm tired of my old kokoleo sign:

So I made a new one, almost twice the size:

which I don't like either. It's fine for an extra booth sign, but not for a website header. This doesn't help it either:

Yeah, I wasted about an hour of my life pushing buttons around. A bucket of buttons is hypnotic like that.

Next, I decided to go back to my sewing roots and go small, hand embroidering x's around all the letters.

which I like better. It's in the running to be the one, unless of course I start from scratch and make another or just decide to stick with the original one. I don't know, is it too hard to read?

I also made these this week:

Come to think of it, these might be what inspired Sage to draw his own spool of thread last week for his kindergarten assignment. I distinctly remember him finding them in my studio and studying them intently.

They were inspired by the random bits of thread I'm always finding stuck to me. I figure these are shirts only a seamstress would like, and a seamstress wouldn't mind having strings attached.


  1. I like the brightness of the second sign. The button one is cool too. The third one is great...but it is a little hard to spot the name. What about brighter letters?

    The shirts are perfect! I have a couple plain T's that I have been wanting to add something too...just couldn't decide what. Don't know why I didn't think about something sewing related :) Maybe a sewing machine....

  2. That's what I'm working on now - a sewing machine, but not on a shirt. I'm on a sewing-themed kick.

    Thanks for the input on the signs. It's nice to have an extra set of eyes around.

  3. I'm going to be no help at all, I liked all of them. So why am I commenting? To give you props on your hard work.

  4. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Call me crazy but I like the buttone one.

  5. found via craftzine...

    just had to tell you i love these shirts!

  6. Thanks everyone. And thanks Jenny for the shoutout on the Craft: blog! The shirts are up on the website now and there may be more to come.

  7. They are cute! I like them! And congratulations too, I just seen you on the Craftzine blog. woohoo!
