Friday, May 30, 2008

Crafting with Glasses - A Tutorial.

Inspired by the pin from yesterday's post (thank you anonymous crafter!), I made these:

This is how I did it:

First, I popped the lenses out of two pairs of my old and broken glasses. Then I searched around my studio for images that would fit inside them.

Then I cut out the fabric (make sure to leave room around the edges - you can trim it later).

Coat the lens in Mod Podge, lay the fabric down, and coat the back of the fabric to saturate it:

I also cut out this picture from my old Woman's Day magazine.

Pretty Eve, indeed. I also chose an embroidered S and a picket fence:

Then I let those dry and went to pick up Sage at kindergarten. On the way home I stopped by the American Way in Burbank and bought these ugly glasses:

And turned the lenses into a dancing couple, a lemon, a shirt and a strawberry. These are the backs:

I hot glued flat-backed craft pins to the backs of them, then cut tiny holes in the felt for the prongs to fit through, then glued the felt down. I suggest a craft glue or super glue for this, as well as for adhering a decorative cord around the rim. Hot glue is a bitch. Also, this craft is messy. Don't do it on the new ironing board cover you just made and were so proud of, because you will end up getting glue on it and cursing in front of your children.

This was completely unintentional, but I like how these three fit together:

Happy crafting!

edited to add: After a bit of Googling, I found more tutorials for this here and here. I like this craft because every one comes out different.

also edited to add: Thanks to Jenny for featuring this on! . . . and Jen from indie fixx!. . . and the folks from the HGTV message boards!


  1. Oh my goodness those things are awesome! I love the orange and the strawberry, especially!

  2. Too cool! Those look so great. I love those anonymous crafters that inspire.

  3. Those rock! Too cool. I'll add that to my summer craft list!

  4. Thank you for the tutorial this is such a cool project!

  5. Nice work! I love them all.

  6. I agree I like the three together, I'd totally wear them. You are so cool!

  7. really cool!!!!

  8. Hey, those turned out GREAT. I love the Eve one so much. That ad was always a favorite of mine.

  9. I am so grateful for this tutorial and can't wait to try it! I love them all, but I think the lemon pin is my main squeeze.

  10. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I saw this on the craftzine blog and decided I'd better start reading here, I want to make some now! I think my personal favorite is the birds, though the orange just seems to work so perfectly!

  11. Very cute! I'm going to have to make some from my old glasses :)

  12. I don't meant to rain on the cuteness parade. This is a very fun craft. Aren't we supposed to donate our old, unused prescription glasses at the optometrist so they can distribute them to the needy in developing countries?

  13. They are all wonderful in their own way but for some reason I am drawn to the fence first and the lady's head with all the hair second, or maybe it's the other way around. Anyway, I don't think you can go wrong no matter what you use to fill in the space. Great tutorial; Thanks for that.

  14. Iamsusie, I have donated many a pair to the Lions Club for just that reason. You can still donate your empty frames.

  15. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Wow they are really great. OM just one that is hard, I'll have to say Eve.


  16. Anonymous6:17 PM

    These are too cute KB! Good gosh, the possibilities would be endless with these.

  17. The strawberry is my favorite. It's not every day you see a green strawberry, never mind wear one on your lapel.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. My boyfriend's glasses just got chewed to pieces by a friend's dog. This is the perfect use for lens that didn't get chomped. (the dog was totally fine I caught him before anything broke into swallowable pieces)

    I love the fence!

  20. I like the "S" one. Very Slytherin. ;)

  21. Loooove the cigarette head lady. And I do love how those three fit together so perfectly!

  22. These are great! What a fun idea. I love the Eve pin!

  23. I'm with Eve all the way - love her! I just got new glasses last week, so if I can get over the guilt of not donating, I'll play around with my old ones. Or maybe get some cheapo reading glasses from the pound shop...

  24. Anonymous5:38 AM

    I found your blog through craftzine and am in luv! The peacock heads are my favorite, followed closely by the lemon! You are an amazing crafter and mom!

  25. Anonymous5:39 AM

    These are striking and fun, but I am also a bit sad. There are a lot of people who can use your old glasses, who can't afford to buy them. It would help others to send them to

    That way other people, who can't afford to see, can make beautiful art too!

    ps. that is not to say they aren't very pretty, but I was instantly struck with how many people in underprivileged places CANNOT afford glasses.I wear heavy glasses and love art and would be devastated if I couldn't see to make art.

    I always send my old glasses to eyes for the needy, to help others.

    You bundle them up and send them off and somebody can make beautiful art or SEE what you have created. How cool is that?

  26. Anonymous6:03 AM

    This is such a great idea! Unique way to upcycle old glasses and leftover fabric or magazines!! I love the fruit, the strawberry and lemon. They are cute and work well because they are kind of kitchy!

    Very creative!

  27. Very cool art. thanks for sharing your work and the process.

  28. Anonymous, If it makes you feel better you can buy sample glasses from an optometrist's office or off ebay.

  29. Anonymous10:02 AM

    KB, these are gorgeous! I love the strawberry and the two birds.

  30. Oh, the Eastern European folk art you did first is my favorite, and then the embroidered "S". It looks like you used a thrift store placement for the first, and maybe a monogrammed hankie for the second?

  31. Anonymous11:47 AM

    These are gorgeous. KB, you have the best freaking ideas.

  32. My favorite is definately Eve. Although it was extremely hard to choose because they are all amazing. I see so many pairs of old eye glasses at thrift stores and have been wanting a new project. Thanks for bringing this to us!

  33. hovawart, yep, you guessed right.

    Thanks ali! But in all honesty, it wasn't my idea. It seems this craft has been around for a while.

    If anyone finds any more examples, tutorials, or if you make your own, please let me know. I'd love to see them.

  34. Awesome, KB! And in buying these glasses you've essentially given a donation to the American Way, no? So don't let the nay-sayers here make you feel badly. Yes, there's always a more noble use for everything we use or consume, but there's also something to be said for putting fun and beautiful little things out into the world that brighten peoples' days.

  35. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Oh my gosh, some people are uptight. Society is so freaking PC now that one can't even use re-use their own items in a way they see fit. I'm assuming those commenters above never throw away spoiled food and eat everything on their plates at every meal? Because some starving kids could have used that food!

    Anyhow, I love the Eve pin.

  36. Ha, leave it to my Janegirls to have my back. I love you ladies.

    I checked with the Lions Club. They don't want broken frames or scratched lenses. Empty frames in good condition are okay. So the moral of the story is: Donate what you can, make art with all the rest!

  37. Not to be daft.. but how did you finish out the edges?

  38. I happened to have the same kind of gold cord as was wrapped around the brooch that I found at the thrift store. I applied some super glue gel and slowly and carefully wrapped the cord around the lens, gluing as I went along. Cut the cord where it meets and try not to let it fray. I'm sure there are other things you could wrap around it - ribbon, ric-rac, lace. Good luck!

  39. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I love these! I used to make magnets like these out of glass pebbles. Thrift store junky glasses are so easily accessible and I love how it magnifies the image a little.

  40. I love them - i forgot I got a ton of eye glass lens on ebay.. Thanks for the reminder!

  41. It's amazing!!!
    Thank you for this tutorial....

  42. Anonymous9:36 AM

    OMG, people...remove the stick!! I think the world would be a much more beautiful place if people didn't try so hard to be politically correct...if someone wants to use their old eyeglasses for art, how do you know they don't donate something else to another cause to offset it? There are SO many charities out there, one certainly can't give everything to all of them. I donate my old cell phones to help battered women, so I'm certainly not going to feel bad for using my old eyeglass lenses for something cute.
    Thank you for posting this...I had an idea to do this awhile back and didn't realize the idea had been around so long!! :)

  43. Found your fun tutorial on Indie Fixx. I linked to it since today on my blog I chatted about making an eyeglass lens into a necklace. Love that you use fabric and finish the edges with gold trim. Super duper cute!

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