Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I don't want any of you all to hate me, so I decided to let this sweet adorable illiterate baby choose the winners.

First I printed out all the comments and cut them into individual strips. (So much for being eco-friendly. I promise to recycle them.)

Then I folded them up. (Next time I think I'll just do one of those random number generator things.)

Then I let McKenna choose the winners.

I was going to wait until she had just one in her hand.

She sifted through them, tossed some onto the floor,

then dumped them ALL onto the floor. Wait! What's that?

That's the grand prize winner! It's . . .

SUGARCREEKSTUFF! Aww, yay! She's been commenting on my blog for a while now and is always generous with the crafty love. Congrats!

Now, the runners up. . .

I had to pry this one out of her mouth. It's. . .

Lela! Yay! Janegirls represent! Lela's been a kokoleo supporter since the very beginning. Congratulations!


It's. . .

Chantal/Cottagewoman! WooHoo! Your comment was so sweet. Thanks!

Let's see, who's next?

It's. . .

Beth in CT. Yay! Some funky notepads are going out to Beth in CT from Karebeth (that's me, KB) in CA. Congrats!

Last, but not least. . .

It's. . .

Stacy! A fellow thrift store junkie just scored herself a new little treasure!

So sugarcreekstuff, Lela, Chantal, Beth in CT, and Stacy please contact me - kbvanhorn@yahoo.com - with your addresses and your choice of notepad from this post. I will get them out to you this week!

To everyone else - I'm sorry. Thanks so much for entering and making me feel popular. It really brightened my week. I would love to be able to make you all a grocery tote but I'm afraid that would deplete my fabric and all that postage would put me in the poorhouse. Come back though! Let's be blog buddies! I promise to have more contests in the future. And please, don't be mad at my baby. She was very sad when I told her there could only be 5 winners. See?

(Actually, she was just mad at me for taking away all that delicious paper.)


  1. That is too cute and way more entertaining than a random number generator.

  2. BRILLIANT photos!!!!!! Thanks for the big smile I have right now!

  3. Congrats to the winners!!!
    So pretty baby you have, KB!
    Greetings to you and Family!

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    OMG!!! I can't believe I'm one of the winners!!!
    Thank that sweet sweepstake baby for me!
    I'm at the reception desk at work randomly shouting "Oh, my god, I won" at people,can you tell you've my my day!

  5. oh my - please don't use the random number generator - that was too cute!

  6. Congrats to all the winners and I agree with Anna, this way it was much more fun (for us viewers)to pick the winners. Your daughter is adorable!

  7. Thanks everyone! I love my sweet little random number slobberator.

  8. I love the way you pick! Very cute.

  9. This is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.

  10. Wow, she is definitely a cutie! Much better than a random number generator!!
