Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thrift Thursday - It's an investment.

I got an email from Susie of Rock Scissor Paper last week letting me know she was having another yard sale in my neighborhood. Sweet! I love her stuff. Look what I got:

Cute little sketchbooks, stationary, and notepads. The next 25 kokoleo customers are going to get one of those green phone notepads included with their order (I got a bunch). The little sketchpads make great gifts too. In fact, I was thinking, I'm coming up on my 200th post soon (this is # 192) - I should hold a contest to celebrate the milestone. I'm going to give away some of this haul as well as some kokoleo goodies to readers of this blog. Not right now, but eight posts from now. Stay tuned!

Also selling at the yard sale was Susie's friend Deneen of Peace Monkey. I got these cute shirts of hers for the kids.

Plus, she's closing up her business and was selling off all her blank onesies and matching cotton pants for super reasonable prices. Sweet! I needed to replenish my stock so I bought a boxful. I also got these for McKenna:

for a mere $2.00. Not bad!

So I took a little hiatus from my pledge to not buy anything for a week. Property tax bills, plumbing emergencies, exploding vacuums, and other unexpected money-gobbling monsters will do that to you. I justified it by seeing it as an investment - in my business, my customer base, and the stylishness of my kids.


  1. You got so much good stuff! I want to come across the country to go thrift-shopping with you!

  2. I'd love that! I think our kids would be a riot together too.
