Sunday, March 02, 2008

Things that are good. . .

My last few posts make it seem like I'm completely and unusually obsessed with fabric. I may be, but I have other things in my life that make me happy too. Here are a few.

#1 - All my life I always said when I grew up I wanted to have a boy and a girl and a dog and a cat and a house. Not a day goes by when I don't think, now I have everything I ever wanted. It's funny how I still find more to want though. Not kids or pets or houses this time, but good things to happen to the ones I have.

#2 - My husband is my best friend. It's a good thing too because we've been through a lot together these last 12 years. I look forward to Saturday nights in the garage when the kids are both in bed and it's just us two playing darts. We somehow never run out of things to talk about. Yet we can also hang out for hours working on our own things and never saying a word. That's fine too. He's interesting to have around.

#3 - Sage can read. I mean really read, with inflection and comprehension and everything. I think a big reason is all the signs signs everywhere the signs in our neighborhood and everywhere we go. Even the mountain has great big letters on it. It warms my heart to see him read to his sister and warms my heart even more to see how she looks at him when he reads to her. She thinks he's hilarious.

#4 - I have a studio. A space of my own to make things. When I start to complain about my lack of wall space/closets/shelves/outlets, I remind myself that I'm lucky to have my own room and I should make the most of it. I've moved almost everything into my new back porch studio and I think I'm going to love it better than my last one. Good lighting can make a world of difference.

#5 - I am happy, and only a little lonely. It's hard sometimes being so far away from family and our friends. I miss being part of a community like we were in when we lived in Shepherdstown. Living in L.A., it's not easy being a little fish in an ocean full of famous fish and young beautiful fish and fish who speak other languages. My fishbowl is my home where I'm raising my kids and making stuff. Every now and then I send out little snippets of the goings on in this house in the form of blog posts, photos, pillows, etc. - my messages in a bottle to the outside world. If I didn't have this outlet (literally, this plug in the wall) keeping me connected, I might be sad. But I'm not. I'm excited to see what will happen next and I'm happy to have someone - my boy, girl, dog, cat, husband and you - with whom to share it.


  1. You sound like a lucky girl. I too have it good with my boy & girl, best friend husband, surrounded by fabric, simple lovely life.

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM

    When you switched your college major from journalism to England (after on 1 month!), you said journalism wss all about 'mind control' and you wanted to write about what makes you feel good--like English themes. I guess you have achieved that as well! You are blessed.

    Love, MOM

  3. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I can relate to a lot of those items on your list (I've got a girl, boy, best friend/mate and 3 ferrets). The last one made me pause because I can really relate to it. My whole family is 500 miles away and most of my friends are online, but it's good. I even get to meet some of them when I travel, and that's even better.

  4. theardentthread - Yes! I love how people I've never even met are some of my best friends, and when I finally do meet the chance to meet them, it's like we've always known each other. The Internet is funny like that.

  5. Anonymous7:03 PM

    shepherdstown misses you. especially the garage in chaplin's choice.

    love you.

    paramedic! b.

  6. Anonymous8:52 AM

    i just found your blog today and i am going back reading older posts. I love this one. warmed my heart. :)
