Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Me and my lesbian friends. . .

This month has been unusually full of visits from friends and family. Sunday night my friends Terri and Jessie came over for dinner.

Terri was my best friend at summer camp (Peterkin) since junior high and Jessie was a counselor with us when we were in high school and college. The three of us hadn't been together in. . . 14 years? A lot can happen in that amount of time. Terri is a nurse in Raleigh, NC and Jessie is living in Long Beach and has her doctorate in psychology (and makes jewelry). Me? I'm just a boring housewife. But them? They're lesbians now. They probably were back then too but no one (including them) knew it. Terri and I lost contact for a few years because she didn't know how I'd react. What is this, 1950? I love them. They're fun.

The thing I'm liking about my 30s is that I now have friends from ten and twenty years ago. Suddenly, after spreading out across the world, many of us are reconnecting and I'm getting to find out where they've been, what they've become, how many kids they made and where they're living now. If we're lucky, the stars align and we cross paths in real life and get to hang out again (and sometimes watch our kids hang out, which is a trip.) It's those times that we remember why we liked each other in the first place. I can't wait to keep doing this with long lost friends. Imagine the stories we'll have to tell twenty years from now.


  1. My friend Steve asked me if my friends would be upset with me outing them on my blog. I'm pretty sure everyone who knows them knows they're gay, and I doubt anyone who would be shocked by this actually reads my blog. Both Terri and Jessie read my blog (even though they don't comment!!) and they know that if they hang out with me, they run the risk of being blogged about. I'm pretty sure they were happy about that though. I'm down with the lesbians.

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Brim over I assent to but I about the brief should prepare more info then it has.
