Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Long time, no blog.

There's been too much going on here lately to sit down and write a blog post. To combine it all into one post would be weird, so I'm going to write about them separately.

My mom is in town this week to get her biannual grandkid fix. She's been here long enough to miss the big blizzard that hit Columbus, Ohio and instead has been basking in the sunny SoCal weather. Time flew and tomorrow she flies home.

We've been spending our days shopping, sightseeing, and doing grandmotherly things like getting McKenna's picture taken with the Easter Bunny.

Sage was in kindergarten. Also, he's not fond of costumed freaks, unless of course he and his friends are the ones wearing the costumes. Here's a picture of his playdate on Friday:

On the weekend we hit a few yard sales. My mom was all excited to experience one of those fabric motherload sales I sometimes blog about, but alas, most of the ones we found were duds. I did find a few things though, but I'll save those to show you on Thrift Thursday.

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