Friday, March 28, 2008

I blame Bush.

Anyone else feeling the pinch? The crunch? The economic monkey on your back? Sheesh. Gas is $3.63 around here. A gallon of milk is over $4.00. According to Zillow our house is now worth less than what we paid for it a year and a half ago (at the peak of the market, of course.) We always seem to be a few steps behind the times when livin' is easy, arriving on the scene just in time for the booms to bust and the bubbles to burst. Remember the (Bill) Clinton years? Those were fun. There was this new thing called the Internet and lots of shiny new dotcoms. The budget was balanced and there were jobs and houses sprouting up all over the place. When I think what's happened since then, it breaks my heart. I feel like we're in the (painful) home stretch. It'll be better soon. It can't get much worse. I hope.
I loved this sticker the minute I saw it and a few weeks later found out why. Shepherd Fairey made it. I love his art. You can buy this sticker here from Sticker Robot. Let's plaster it all over the place.


  1. I'm not a Bush fan, wasn't a Clinton fan either. Clinton signed NAFTA and it didn't do my area of the country and good.(remember Ross Perots "giant sucking sound" prediction. He was right.) I am pinning my hopes on the same man as you. It can't go anywhere but up, right?

  2. Yeah, Clinton had his share of screw-ups, but nothing as detrimental as what Bush has wrought. Maybe I'm looking through rose-colored glasses but I don't ever remember feeling so ashamed of a president before. This is the first time in my lifetime where I've truly felt the effects of a recession, crappy health care, a lame education policy, sadness over an unnecessary war, and frustration over a leader who promotes intolerance.

  3. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I'm so ready for Bush to be gone, too. Thanks for introducing me to Zillow - very cool website!

  4. Zillow is addictive! It can make you feel like you hit the jackpot or it can break your heart. It's also fun to see how much your childhood homes cost and how much your neighbors paid for their houses.

  5. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Oh - I hadn't thought to look on Liberty Street! Of course, my parents don't live there anymore. In fact, they just moved again - to another place in Pburg that I haven't seen yet.

  6. Oh you're THAT Susan! As in, my next-door-neighbor-and-best-friend- when-we-were-little. Yay! I'm happy to know you still read my blog, and even happier to know you're not a Bush-fan!

  7. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I've been reading all along, and also trying to comment, but it was only just yesterday that I could get a comment published. I don't know what was going on with the comments, but yeah, I keep up. Love all the pics of the kids and your cool projects!

  8. Anonymous12:38 PM

    That last anonymous was also me - I forgot to put my name - Susan

  9. Ouch, Zillow made me cry a little. Good thing we're in love with this house and are in the long haul with it!

    That's a great sticker!
