Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Teach your children well

It never fails, after about a year of being away from teaching I start thinking about going back. I don't know what it is. When I was in Shepherdstown I saw a few of my former students and started thinking about the school I started there. In 2004 a few moms in Shepherdstown asked me start a school for their homeschooled kids. We met M-W-F from 9-3. Our classroom was a converted dining room and I had 7 kids ranging in grades K-8. Looking back, I don't know how I did it but somehow it worked.

This was our classroom. The kids were pretending they were always this sweet and well-behaved. Ha! they were usually silly and rambunctious. But I loved them anyway and somehow managed to teach things like nouns and verbs and U.S. history and art and growing beans and raising butterflies.

It was a fun time. I sometimes wonder what it would have grown into if we were still living there. I'm happy to hear that the kids are all growing into fine respectable citizens and that they remember their time with me fondly.

Speaking of out-of-the-box endeavors originating in Shepherdstown, my friend Karen (mom of 3 girls, two of whom were my students) sent me a link to her new website Check it out, it's an awesome resource for sustainable living. It links to sites where you can eat, dress, drive, decorate, work, party, have pets, and raise kids in ways that help, instead of hurt the environment. Right on!


  1. Anonymous7:48 PM

    kb you rule. we want to trade banners with you. i'm the now karen recruited me. it's awesome having a part time job. we're in the process of creating the coolest eco-awareness program that we're launching at shepherdstown elem. in april. we're doing a collection of old sneakers to take to nike and they will recycle them into bedding(?) for playgrounds. we're also organizing a fund raiser for schools where they sell these cool super light weight and compact bags for groceries and stainless steel water bottles. there's talk as well of working with the school to get them to do a better job of recycling at lunch.

    gogreengals is blowing up.

    we also have an office now in the raliegh area and and a whole county in north carolina ready to sign on for the program.

    please spread the word.

    have fun.


  2. That is totally awesome you guys. I wish I could be there to lend a hand. Let me know if there is any way I can help out.
