Monday, December 03, 2007

. . . this little KB went to Market

The Little Monster Market was Saturday. It was a bust for me. I sold one thing. I'm a loser. I also left my fold-up table there when I was packing up, so I literally am a loser.
(crickets chirping)

Ummmm, I think I need to reevaluate where I'm going with kokoleo. Obviously, not many people are interested. I've already vowed to make some changes in 2008. Gotta shake things up. Also, after next Sunday, no more show for a while! It's too hard on the ego.

But! it was a nice day, close to home, and over by 3:00. Best of all, I did a bunch of nice trades.

I traded my Annie Git Yer Guns purse for this sundress (and bloomers) for McKenna:
from these girls

of Bunny Farm. They only wanted $12 for the dress. I thought it was worth much more.

I traded a tie cuff for 3 handmade cards from Peez and Ques:

I traded an Oh Deer! shirt and a necktie choker for this cool alligator shirt for Sage:

from Saundra of Precious Few.

I met her a few years ago when I used to do the Montrose Farmer's Market. We've both expanded our businesses a little since then. It was nice to hang out with her again.

I traded a monster for these shirts for Sage:

(Plus one he's already worn - a cammo one with a squid holding a teddy bear.)

from Denise of Eeny Meanie.

(Note to Santa, Sage doesn't need any more shirts.)

And I traded a 3-eyed overall-wearing monster for this beautiful necklace (for me!):

from Christine of Chocolate and Steel.

So the afternoon wasn't a total loss. I guess this is my new way of "shopping." Barter is better, right? Now, if only the grocery store took monsters. . .

Speaking of monsters, here are Dotty and Sal at the Welcome to Dollywood show that night:

at MonkeyHouse Toys.
It was a well hung (hehe) show with lots of cool handmade plushiness:

Afterward we ate ate Simply Thai on Hillhurst in Los Feliz. For the last year we've been on a quest to find the best Thai food in L.A and I think we found it. Erik had the Hot Mermaid, I had the White Elephant, Sage had some of both and little McKenna had none.

Sheesh, Saturday was quite a day.


  1. I HATE shows like that. I've had my share. I put them on my never again list. I've found 4 shows that I want to go back to out of dozens. I've learned so much from each show (even the stinkers) So the search goes on. Your stuff is amazing and you'd want it to go to just the right person anyway. They just weren't at that show.

  2. I really don't think it's you! Based on conversations I've had with other artists and crafters, sales are way down this year. Your stuff is awesome!!

  3. This is a cool site and I wanted to post a note to tell you, nice job! Thanks, ... Love the Look
