Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The elves are hard at work

You'll notice on the left hand column of my blog, if you scroll down a bit, a little badge that says "I Took The Handmade Pledge." For more on the story behind it, click here. I'm #713 on the list that's now over 10,000 crafters strong. I'm happy to report that I've pretty much kept my promise. I haven't stepped foot in a mall this holiday season and nearly everyone on my list is getting something handmade. That's not to say I'm denying Sage of a few noisy plastic items he's been asking Santa to bring. A boy can only have so many stuffed monsters and sock monkeys before he starts getting bored.

Before I can show you what I've been making, I have to ask some of you to leave. If you are my mother, mother-in-law, father, father-in-law, brother, sisters-in-law, aunt, or Sage's kindergarten teacher, do not scroll down any further.

Go on now, git!

Hey, no peeking!

Are they gone?

Whew. I thought they'd never leave! Oh wait, there goes the majority of my blog-readers.

For the past week I've been busy making these:

They're reversible "shoppers"; reusable totes to take the place of those environmentally unsound ugly plastic ones. I made 8.

I think I've settled on a pattern I like and I might start making them for my kokoleo shop next year. Hopefully they'll encourage more people to join the bring-your-own-tote craze. I love my own personal shopping tote collection and I love how much easier they are to handle than those godawful plastic bags. (I just need to remember to put them back in my car and take them with me every time.)

Sage has gotten into the handmade holiday spirit too. Here's a picture he drew for my brother:

And for his Nana and Papa (my parents):

That one cracks me up. It's a self-portrait of himself waving. It is so him, all happy and eager and in your face. He did this one for his Grammy and PopPop (Erik's parents):

I think he captured her likeness quite well, don't you?

Happy Holidays!


  1. Hey those shoppers are neat! I tried to make those a couple of years ago and they didn't catch on. It was pre-Al Gore, I guess. Crap. My oldest canvas bag is from 1990! Anyway, those are cute.

  2. This is a cool site and I wanted to post a note to tell you, nice job! Thanks, ... Love the Look
