Sunday, November 18, 2007

Weekend Wrapup

Whew! It's been one hectic weekend. On Friday, I took Erik's parents on the downtown Hollywood tour (Erik was at work and Sage was in kindergarten). They had just returned from their trip to China so I thought I'd continue the theme and take them to Grauman's Chinese Theater, then to the Highland complex for on obligatory picture with the Hollywood sign (it's up there, try to find it):
Then I took them to our favorite restaurant The Pig and Whistle, and later to the airport so they could fly back home.

Saturday I was a vendor at the FSC Harvest Market (at the school where I used to teach) in Van Nuys. It was so nice to see my old students.

It was a pretty good day too but now I'm panicking because I depleted my stock and the Handmade for the Holidays show is next week. Eek! I must now get in sweatshop mode and crank out the kokoleos like crazy for the next few days.

Today I volunteered at Felt Club - handing out swag bags and selling tickets at the opening of the event. Crazy! Here's the line:

We handed out 250 swag bags in under 5 minutes! At noon, I taught a class on how to recycle holiday cards into ornaments. I was a bit afraid no one would show up but the class filled up quickly and I even had to turn some people away. Sorry! My "students" did a great job though. Check it out:

It was nice seeing another side of Felt Club for once. I was there three hours before I even made it over to the vendor area, which was awesome of course. I did some Christmas shopping and with the exception of a few little things, managed to resist buying myself a bunch of stuff. On the way back to my car, I saw this:
which I thought was pretty.

I felt a little guilty leaving Erik with the kids for so long this weekend, but they all survived. I have a show every weekend for the next three weekends, so they'll have to get used to it. Sorry family, but mama's gotta make some money! Two down, three to go.


  1. I love your colorful funky tent. Glad the show was a hit.

  2. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Gah! Doesn't that make you crazy? Scrambling to replenish what was bought...happy on the one hand/crazy-stressed on the other! That was me LAST week! Good luck! You can do it!

    And good luck next weekend too!

  3. This is a cool site and I wanted to post a note to tell you, nice job! Thanks, ... Love the Look
