Monday, November 05, 2007

Made by Monday - Fun with Mod Podge

I hadn't done a collage in while, so this week I got out my Mod Podge, pried the stuck cap off, and made this with a bunch of fabric scraps. I resisted the urge to stick a dinosaur in there. Then I made this:
A sewing box. I still need to do something with the inside. I have a few more in the works. I never know how they'll end up when I start them. Actually, I don't even know what I'm going to do with them all when they're done. At least they'll be more interesting looking than plain wooden boxes (which I scored at an HGTV garage sale last spring).

I also finished up a few personalized commissions.

For that last one I actually cut into my vintage embroidered linens. My customer wanted soft dainty colors and I looked through my fabric and realized that most of what I have is BRIGHT and obnoxious. So I opened up my suitcase-o-stitched-linens and started cutting. I can't just save these things forever. I have to use them. And now that I made those first cuts I have to use the rest of them.

I'm sorry ladies-who-labored-over-these-for-hours-many-years-ago, but some of them were stained in places and I just cut out the good parts. Besides, your heirs didn't want them - they sold them to me for way too cheap at your estate sale. It's either this, or have them stuck in some box in an attic somewhere. Or worse - thrown out with the trash. I don't mean to disrespect your handiwork by cutting it up. I want it to live on! I hereby give future generations permission to cut up my stuff too if it means kokoleo will live on after I'm gone.


  1. I too have cut up vintage linens, not the perfect ones though. I think turning an old cast off into a new treasure is the perfect way to honor those women.
    I love your funky collage. A dinosaur would be a nice touch. What did you use as your framed base?

  2. That frame originally held a needlepoint piece that I turned into a purse. I just adhered the fabric to to canvas board that the needlepoint had been wrapped around.

  3. Those pillows are great!!

  4. My favorite pillow is Sam's. Very cute!

    I, too, have things that I won't touch - but that's because I'm a pack rat! Instead of cutting vintage fabrics, I just scan them and print them on paper.

  5. Thanks mymsie!

    Good idea, Lisa. I wish I could scan my favorite fabric and have the printer spit out replicas of it. in fabric. preferably yards of it.

  6. Anonymous6:47 AM

    A HGTV garage sale?!

  7. Yeah, I live in North Hollywood, really close to Burbank where there are a lot of sound stages. I saw an ad on Craigslist for a garage sale for an HGTV show called Creative Juices that was selling all their stuff and moving out. I got tons of fabric, craft supplies, about 10 wooden boxes, pillows, fake fur, etc. Score!
