Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Tuesday's To Do List

I love writing myself "To Do" lists. Even better, I love crossing things off as I accomplish them. On Tuesdays, I'm going to post my "To Do" list for the week. Hopefully by making the mundane tasks of my every day life public, I'll be more apt to accomplish them in a timely manner. We'll see.

Tuesday, October 2:

1. Get plumber out here STAT to replace leaking water heater that flooded our computer room. Also get him to fix leaking faucet, wobbly toilet and noisy washing machine. Cough up $600+ and weep.

2. Try to find carpet specialists for advice on putting back the carpet we ripped up when the computer room flooded. Also research toxic mold.

3. Call to get estimates on fixing up the back porch.

4. Finish writing Thank Yous.

5. Get bags for the vacuum cleaner. Finish vacuuming.

6. Work on commissions: "Madeline's Room" banner, Cooper banner, Raleigh pillow, Laura pillow, 2 shirts for Heidi, and a Monsterlina for Avenelle

7. Straighten up the sewing room.

8. Buy milk, eggs, and supplies to donate to Sage's classroom.

9. Make appointment to get hair cut. Then color hair blonde or red.

10. Call Patty at ZenPup to see about dogsitting for Kali. (Check out Kali and (sniff) Leo in her photo gallery!)

11. Take Kali for a walk.

12. Meet with John to design shark costume.

13. Call mom.

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