Sunday, October 28, 2007

I Miss West Virginia

No, I'm not Miss West Virginia. I miss West Virginia. When fall comes around I miss it even more, but I always miss the mountains. Sure southern California has mountains, but they're big and brown and prickly and thirsty looking. And prone to catching on fire. I miss lush green Appalacian mountains

and the crazy colors they turn in the fall.

Sage gathered up all the leaves (that fell from our neighbor's tree) in our backyard and raked them into a pile. He was so excited to jump in it and make "leaf angels"

but these were dusty little leaves with prickly parts and it wasn't as much fun as he dreamed it would be. We were picking pricklies out of him for hours. I miss big bright leaves like these:

Those were some of my students when we went trick-or-treating for Unicef. We don't see trees like those around here.

We try to enjoy the nature and landscape around us as much as we can though. Remember when I blogged about visiting the pumpkin patch in Saugus a few weeks ago? Half of it burned down. So sad.

Today we took Kali to Runyon Canyon, or as Sage calls it, Dog Mountain.

Yeah, it's all beautiful in it's own way, but I still miss West Virginia.


  1. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Heck, I miss West Virginia - and I only live next door in Virginia!
    Susie B

  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I feel your pain, as a native of the other end of the Appalachians...I have access to leaves but don't get to them often enough. Concrete and steel isn't the same...

  3. Susie - I think we jumped in a few West Virginia leaf piles together way back when.

    Lela - Tennessee is probably my second favorite state. Green!

  4. I grew up in Texas which doesn't have the amazing colors that the Appalachians around here have. So I completely understand the longing for those colors and leaf piles.

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