Friday, August 24, 2007

My latest creation - McKenna Rae!

Long time, no blog. I've been busy! McKenna Rae VanHorn was born on Sunday, August 19th at 3:51 p.m. in the "Walt Disney Labor and Delivery" wing (Ha!) at Providence St. Joseph's Memorial Hospital in Burbank. She was 8 pounds, 4 ounces and 20.75 inches (not 30 inches like Erik told his family).

The labor was long (30 hours!) and strange and kinda scary (supposedly my womb is a medical anomaly) but the end result made it all worthwhile. I have a newfound respect for nurses who calmly tend to people in their most vulnerable situations.

Here she is with Sage and my parents:

and here she is yawning. . .

sneezing. . .

and sleeping. . .

We're home now and settling in nicely. I'm so glad she's on the outside now instead of trapped in my belly. It was nice of her to come 10 days early. Sage loves being a big brother. He especially loves having a Firebaby:

and Pirate Baby:

to play with him.


  1. Congrats KB and family! She's beautiful. Hope you're resting (as much as you can) and recovering from those 30 hours. Yikes!

    Love the costumes :)

  2. Congratulations! I've been waiting for the big announcement.
    She's gorgeous!

  3. Anonymous4:26 PM

    What a sweet face.

  4. Anonymous6:17 PM

    WOW! The picture of you and McKenna is beautiful, its not fair that you look so gorgeous after 30 hours of labor. Congrats and enjoy your sweet little girl and watching your husband fall madly in love with her.

  5. Congratulations! That Sage is a silly-hilly-billy. And ten days early - lucky you! She's precious.

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