Thursday, June 14, 2007

Caution: Graphic Content

I just have to move that picture in my last post down a bit. It's too nasty to be the first thing you see on my blog. So I will replace it with a nasty story about something that happened today and spare you any pictures.

It happens to every seamstress at least once. Unfortunately, I've had it happen a few times in my 15+ years of sewing. And today it happened again. The needle went through my finger. I was finishing the last letter on a personalized banner I've been working on and it all happened in a flash. I guess my middle finger slipped under the path of the needle. Instinctively I tried to jerk my hand away - BAD MOVE! I yanked the whole machine toward my face (I generally bend in really close when I'm sewing) and banged it into my upper lip and nose. Don't ask me how I managed to do that, all I know is that in the matter of about one second I was sitting there with my face throbbing and my machine askew, staring at my finger that was ATTACHED TO THE NEEDLE in the down position. I'm talking in-through-the-top-and-out-through-the-bottom ATTACHED. Luckily, I had the good sense to take my foot off the pedal. I sat there a few more seconds and knew what I had to do next. I slowly and carefully turned the hand wheel with my one free hand and lifted the needle out of my finger. I think it might have even squeaked a bit. Then laid down on the couch and passed out.

It's still throbbing and it's hard to type, but I think I'll live. Who knew sewing could be so dangerous?!


  1. Oh No!! i gasped when i read this, that is my worst fear while sewing. Reminds me when i got my finger caught in a ladder...i nearly passed out and went to Emergency for tetanus shot. Ouch!
    Poor you!!

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