Thursday, February 01, 2007

Alien Invasion!

So, I haven't been blogging much and here's the reason why:

There's an alien in my belly! Okay, actually it's a wee little baby, no bigger than a strawberry, but it's what's been occupying a lot of my mind and time lately. I didn't want to say anything until it was for sure, because well, last time I was pregnant it didn't go so well. But yesterday we saw two little arms and two little legs dancing around and the doctor says everything looks perfect. I've been sleepy and nauseous and not able to crank out the kokoleos as quickly and as often as before, but I'm sure this will all soon pass and I'll be back in action soon enough.

I am however, keeping busy with banner and pillow commissions. When I told my new OB/GYN about kokoleo and my banners and pillows he said I should give him some of my cards, as he knows a few people with babies. Ha! Here are a few recent works:

It's pretty funny, my (newly redesinged) "Personalized Items" shop reads like a book on baby names:

Anna, Adowyn, Avenelle, Brooke, Clarissa, Lola, Malayna, Piper, Willa. . .

Dashiell, Evan, James, Jake, Jesser, Nolan, Sam, Tenzin, Will, Wyatt. . .

Hmmmm. . . choices, choices.


  1. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Congrats KB!
    Take care of yourself, it is harder to get the rest you need the second time around.
    Once we decide on a name I will be hitting you up for a banner/pillow.

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