Saturday, June 03, 2006

Best. Haul. Ever.

A few days ago I was looking through garage sale postings on craigslist and I came upon this: "A crafter's dream! A garage sale with fabrics & supplies galore. 6/3 - $1". So of course I printed out Mapquest directions and planned to be there bright and early to snatch up all the:

"Sewing Supplies, $1-$5 each
-trim (including pom pom trim)
-rolls of ribbon "

Well, bright and early ended up being 10:30, which was not bad considering we hosted a poker marathon at our house last night until 4 a.m. I only needed a couple Excedrin and a glass of orange juice and I was out the door.

So Sage and I walked up to the house and Yay! The pom pom trim was still there. We met the owner of the stuff, Kim and learned that she had a crafty biz too. Check it out - it's Good Stock. Sweet! I told her a little about kokoleo and she helped me pick out some great stuff. Thanks Kim! For a mere 50 bucks I scored all this and more:

Check out my giant ric-Rac!

I'm sure it will look nice alongside these big-ass polka dots:

I'm envisioning bright polka-dotted, ric racked, pom pommed baby dresses, pillows, purses, who knows what? in kokoleo's future. Get a load of all this pom-pom trim!

That's enough pom poms to shake, well, a pom pom at! And look at my random assortment of felt hearts, leaves and beads:

I'm sure I'll find something to do with them. I also got a couple bags of assorted ribbon. It wasn't until I got home and emptied the bags that I really saw what great ribbon I got. It almost rivals the great ribbon haul of 1997.

I swear it was like Christmas day going through all this stuff when I got home. Erik of course rolled his eyes when I walked in with the big box, but I won him over with some graphite pencils, tubes of watercolor paint and a sealable palette that I got at the same yard sale.

I had every intention of also hitting this massive event in Silverlake "58 Homes! 58 Homes! 58 Homes! SAT JUNE 3" but figured I'd met my accumulating-stuff-quotient for the day. Or I should say week. No more accumulating stuff! I have enough. Now I need to take the stuff I've got and kokoleo-fy it and send it back out into the world. Then I can take the money I earn from it and get. . . more stuff! The cycle never ends.


  1. I adore your new ric-rac (+ trims and fabrics) and her site/shop was definitely worth a look-see. Neat stuff to say the least!

  2. This is a great site and I wanted to post a comment to let you know, great job! ...
