Sunday, September 22, 2013

I built this.

Whoa. It's dusty in here. I need to brush away the cobwebs. I just remembered I have a blog that I should update. I can't give up now. I've invested 7 years into this cyber-diary, I might as well update it from time to time.

A lot has happened since the last time I posted. The whole summer, in fact.  We went camping at Ocean Shores


and Deception Pass

and flew back home to West Virginia...

and Washington D.C.

 and Shepherdstown...

 And Peterkin...

And then we came home and had birthdays..

And then I started a new job.

It's a job I fought for. (I blogged about it here.)  I've never fought for a job as hard as I fought for this one. But when there's an empty rec building in the park that's right next your kids' school that doesn't have an after school program, you have to convince them to let you have it. I did!

I spent all of August moving in. Erik was happy to see the craft supplies I've been hoarding in the pantry and garage finally leave the house. Ikea donated some of their Renton River Days booth leftovers to the City and my boss made sure it got to our then-empty building. Couches and bookshelves make all the difference. And so do kids. I adopted the "If you build it, they will come" mentality and they did! Suddenly we're 3 weeks into the program that for the past 3 years was just a pipe dream for me. And it's just as I imagined it. Suffice it to say, I love my new job, and I don't want to say much more to jinx it.

So that's where my focus has been this past year. It's not a kokoleo production, just me, KB, working for the City. Kokoleo though, is always a part of me.  I'm still hoarding fabric and notions so there's no way around it. I'll continue to sew random things and sometimes attempt to sell them in places like stores and craft shows and I'll still do personalized pillow and banner commissions, especially for my return customers who have become friends to me. I'm simply moving in a new direction that for now,  seems like the best place to be. Finally!