Monday, September 03, 2012

Birthday Cakes and a Prize Winning Pie

August is always a busy month for us with vacations, picnics, and the kids birthdays just 10 days apart. I couldn't let it come and go though without sharing some of the cakes and pies I made last month. Here's McKenna's birthday cake:

 She wanted a "rainbow" party so I made this cake using 3 circular cakes - two stacked and one cut in half and then placed on top of the other two, then propped up with marshmallow "clouds" and decorated with Skittles.

Then, two weeks later I made this campfire cake for Sage.

It's composed of a rectangular cake cut into 3 "logs", iced and stacked and topped with 3 fondant "flames". My boy is 10 now. 10! Double digits! He had a camping-themed party complete with fire pit, roasted weenies, s'mores, and friends camping in our backyard.

Another great thing about August is all the fruit in bloom - blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, apples, rhubarb - and that's just in out backyard! My husband's company had a pie contest and I won second place for my AppStrawRhuBlackBlue Pie:

This picture was taken after it had been sampled by all the picnickers, hence the mess. I won a $25 Visa gift card and a ribbon. Not bad considering most of the ingredients were free. I've been making pies all summer and sticking them in the deep freezer to save them for special occasions this winter.

Oh summer, you were warm and sweet like a fresh-baked pie, and we gobbled you up.